Table testsql_comments.search_history
Opac search history results

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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int 10  √ 
search history id
userid int 10 the patron who performed the search (borrowers.borrowernumber)
sessionid varchar 32 a system generated session id
query_desc varchar 255 the search that was performed
query_cgi text 65535 the string to append to the search url to rerun the search
type varchar 16 biblio search type, must be 'biblio' or 'authority'
total int 10 the total of results found
time timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP the date and time the search was run

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 16:24 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
id Primary key Asc
sessionid Performance Asc
userid Performance Asc

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