Table testsql_comments.aqorders
information related to the basket line items

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ordernumber int 10  √ 
primary key and unique identifier assigned by Koha to each line
biblionumber int 10  √  null
links the order to the biblio being ordered (biblio.biblionumber)
entrydate date 10  √  null the date the bib was added to the basket
quantity smallint 5  √  null the quantity ordered
currency varchar 3  √  null the currency used for the purchase
listprice decimal 28,6  √  null the vendor price for this line item
datereceived date 10  √  null the date this order was received
invoiceid int 10  √  null
id of invoice
freight decimal 28,6  √  null shipping costs (not used)
unitprice decimal 28,6  √  null the actual cost entered when receiving this line item
quantityreceived smallint 5 0 the quantity that have been received so far
datecancellationprinted date 10  √  null the date the line item was deleted
cancellationreason text 65535  √  null reason of cancellation
order_internalnote mediumtext 16777215  √  null notes related to this order line, made for staff
order_vendornote mediumtext 16777215  √  null notes related to this order line, made for vendor
purchaseordernumber mediumtext 16777215  √  null not used? always NULL
basketno int 10  √  null
links this order line to a specific basket (aqbasket.basketno)
timestamp timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP the date and time this order line was last modified
rrp decimal 13,2  √  null the replacement cost for this line item
ecost decimal 13,2  √  null the estimated cost for this line item
gstrate decimal 6,4  √  null the tax rate for this line item
discount float 6,4  √  null the discount for this line item
budget_id int 10
the fund this order goes against (aqbudgets.budget_id)
budgetgroup_id int 10 not used? always zero
budgetdate date 10  √  null not used? always NULL
sort1 varchar 80  √  null statistical field
sort2 varchar 80  √  null second statistical field
sort1_authcat varchar 10  √  null
sort2_authcat varchar 10  √  null
uncertainprice bit 0  √  null was this price uncertain (1 for yes, 0 for no)
claims_count int 10  √  0 count of claim letters generated
claimed_date date 10  √  null last date a claim was generated
subscriptionid int 10  √  null
links this order line to a subscription (subscription.subscriptionid)
parent_ordernumber int 10  √  null ordernumber of parent order line, or same as ordernumber if no parent
orderstatus varchar 16  √  new the current status for this line item. Can be 'new', 'ordered', 'partial', 'complete' or 'cancelled'

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 16:24 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
ordernumber Primary key Asc
invoiceid Performance Asc
subscriptionid Performance Asc
basketno Performance Asc
biblionumber Performance Asc
budget_id Performance Asc
orderstatus Performance Asc
parent_ordernumber Performance Asc

Close relationships  within of separation: