Table testsql_comments.branches
information about your libraries or branches are stored here

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
branchcode varchar 10
aqbasket.branch aqbasket_ibfk_4 N
authorised_values_branches.branchcode authorised_values_branches_ibfk_2 C
borrower_attribute_types_branches.b_branchcode borrower_attribute_types_branches_ibfk_2 C
borrower_modifications.branchcode Implied Constraint R
borrowers.branchcode borrowers_ibfk_2 R
branch_borrower_circ_rules.branchcode branch_borrower_circ_rules_ibfk_2 C
branch_item_rules.branchcode branch_item_rules_ibfk_2 C
branchrelations.branchcode branchrelations_ibfk_1 C
branchtransfers.frombranch branchtransfers_ibfk_1 C
branchtransfers.tobranch branchtransfers_ibfk_2 C
categories_branches.branchcode categories_branches_ibfk_2 C
collections.colBranchcode collections_ibfk_1 C
course_items.holdingbranch course_items_ibfk_2 C
creator_batches.branch_code creator_batches_ibfk_2 C
default_branch_circ_rules.branchcode default_branch_circ_rules_ibfk_1 C
deletedborrowers.branchcode Implied Constraint R
hold_fill_targets.source_branchcode hold_fill_targets_ibfk_4 C
import_batches.branchcode Implied Constraint R
import_items.branchcode Implied Constraint R
import_records.branchcode Implied Constraint R
issues.branchcode Implied Constraint R
issuingrules.branchcode Implied Constraint R
item_circulation_alert_preferences.branchcode Implied Constraint R
items.holdingbranch items_ibfk_3 R
items.homebranch items_ibfk_2 R
letter.branchcode Implied Constraint R
messages.branchcode Implied Constraint R
old_issues.branchcode Implied Constraint R
old_reserves.branchcode Implied Constraint R
opac_news.branchcode opac_news_branchcode_ibfk C
overduerules.branchcode Implied Constraint R
pending_offline_operations.branchcode Implied Constraint R
repeatable_holidays.branchcode Implied Constraint R
reserves.branchcode reserves_ibfk_4 C
special_holidays.branchcode Implied Constraint R
subscription.branchcode Implied Constraint R
suggestions.branchcode Implied Constraint R
transport_cost.frombranch transport_cost_ibfk_1 C
transport_cost.tobranch transport_cost_ibfk_2 C
a unique key assigned to each branch
branchname mediumtext 16777215 the name of your library or branch
branchaddress1 mediumtext 16777215  √  null the first address line of for your library or branch
branchaddress2 mediumtext 16777215  √  null the second address line of for your library or branch
branchaddress3 mediumtext 16777215  √  null the third address line of for your library or branch
branchzip varchar 25  √  null the zip or postal code for your library or branch
branchcity mediumtext 16777215  √  null the city or province for your library or branch
branchstate mediumtext 16777215  √  null the state for your library or branch
branchcountry text 65535  √  null the county for your library or branch
branchphone mediumtext 16777215  √  null the primary phone for your library or branch
branchfax mediumtext 16777215  √  null the fax number for your library or branch
branchemail mediumtext 16777215  √  null the primary email address for your library or branch
branchreplyto mediumtext 16777215  √  null the email to be used as a Reply-To
branchreturnpath mediumtext 16777215  √  null the email to be used as Return-Path
branchurl mediumtext 16777215  √  null the URL for your library or branch's website
issuing tinyint 3  √  null unused in Koha
branchip varchar 15  √  null the IP address for your library or branch
branchprinter varchar 100  √  null unused in Koha
branchnotes mediumtext 16777215  √  null notes related to your library or branch
opac_info text 65535  √  null HTML that displays in OPAC

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 17:46 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
branchcode Primary key Asc PRIMARY

Close relationships  within of separation: