Table testsql_comments.aqbasket
stores data about baskets in acquisitions

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
basketno int 10  √ 
primary key, Koha defined number
basketname varchar 50  √  null name given to the basket at creation
note mediumtext 16777215  √  null the internal note added at basket creation
booksellernote mediumtext 16777215  √  null the vendor note added at basket creation
contractnumber int 10  √  null
links this basket to the aqcontract table (aqcontract.contractnumber)
creationdate date 10  √  null the date the basket was created
closedate date 10  √  null the date the basket was closed
booksellerid int 10 1
the Koha assigned ID for the vendor (
authorisedby varchar 10  √  null the borrowernumber of the person who created the basket
booksellerinvoicenumber mediumtext 16777215  √  null appears to always be NULL
basketgroupid int 10  √  null
links this basket to its group (
deliveryplace varchar 10  √  null basket delivery place
billingplace varchar 10  √  null basket billing place
branch varchar 10  √  null
basket branch

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 17:46 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
basketno Primary key Asc
branch Performance Asc
basketgroupid Performance Asc
booksellerid Performance Asc
contractnumber Performance Asc

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