
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
branchcode VARCHAR 10
account_credit_types_branches.branchcode account_credit_types_branches_ibfk_2 C
account_debit_types_branches.branchcode account_debit_types_branches_ibfk_2 C
accountlines.branchcode accountlines_ibfk_branches N
additional_contents.branchcode additional_contents_branchcode_ibfk C
aqbasket.branch aqbasket_ibfk_4 N
article_requests.branchcode article_requests_ibfk_4 N
authorised_values_branches.branchcode authorised_values_branches_ibfk_2 C
bookings.pickup_library_id bookings_ibfk_4 C
borrower_attribute_types_branches.b_branchcode borrower_attribute_types_branches_ibfk_2 C
borrowers.branchcode borrowers_ibfk_2 R
branches_overdrive.branchcode branches_overdrive_ibfk_1 C
branchtransfers.frombranch branchtransfers_ibfk_1 C
branchtransfers.tobranch branchtransfers_ibfk_2 C
cash_registers.branch cash_registers_branch C
categories_branches.branchcode categories_branches_ibfk_2 C
circulation_rules.branchcode circ_rules_ibfk_1 C
club_enrollments.branchcode club_enrollments_ibfk_3 N
club_templates.branchcode club_templates_ibfk_1 C
clubs.branchcode clubs_ibfk_2 R
collections.colBranchcode collections_ibfk_1 C
course_items.holdingbranch course_items_ibfk_2 C
course_items.homebranch fk_course_items_homebranch C
course_items.homebranch_storage fk_course_items_homebranch_storage C
creator_batches.branch_code creator_batches_ibfk_2 C
curbside_pickup_policy.branchcode curbside_pickup_policy_ibfk_1 C
curbside_pickups.branchcode curbside_pickups_ibfk_1 C
desks.branchcode fk_desks_branchcode C
edifact_ean.branchcode efk_branchcode R
hold_fill_targets.source_branchcode hold_fill_targets_ibfk_4 C
identity_provider_domains.default_library_id identity_provider_domain_ibfk_2 C
illbatches.library_id illbatches_bcfk N
illrequests.branchcode illrequests_bcfk_2 C
items.holdingbranch items_ibfk_3 R
items.homebranch items_ibfk_2 R
itemtypes_branches.branchcode itemtypes_branches_ibfk_2 C
library_groups.branchcode library_groups_ibfk_2 C
library_hours.library_id library_hours_ibfk_1 C
library_smtp_servers.library_id library_smtp_servers_library_fk C
old_reserves.branchcode old_reserves_ibfk_branchcode N
problem_reports.branchcode problem_reports_ibfk2 C
recalls.pickup_library_id recalls_ibfk_4 C
repeatable_holidays.branchcode repeatable_holidays_ibfk_1 C
reserves.branchcode reserves_ibfk_4 C
special_holidays.branchcode special_holidays_ibfk_1 C
stockrotationstages.branchcode_id stockrotationstages_bifk C
suggestions.branchcode suggestions_ibfk_branchcode N
transport_cost.frombranch transport_cost_ibfk_1 C
transport_cost.tobranch transport_cost_ibfk_2 C

a unique key assigned to each branch

branchname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the name of your library or branch

branchaddress1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the first address line of for your library or branch

branchaddress2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the second address line of for your library or branch

branchaddress3 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the third address line of for your library or branch

branchzip VARCHAR 25 null

the zip or postal code for your library or branch

branchcity LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the city or province for your library or branch

branchstate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the state for your library or branch

branchcountry MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the county for your library or branch

branchphone LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the primary phone for your library or branch

branchfax LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the fax number for your library or branch

branchemail LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the primary email address for your library or branch

branchillemail LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the ILL staff email address for your library or branch

branchreplyto LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the email to be used as a Reply-To

branchreturnpath LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the email to be used as Return-Path

branchurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the URL for your library or branch’s website

issuing TINYINT 3 null

unused in Koha

branchip VARCHAR 15 null

the IP address for your library or branch

branchnotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to your library or branch

geolocation VARCHAR 255 null

geolocation of your library

marcorgcode VARCHAR 16 null

MARC Organization Code, see, when empty defaults to syspref MARCOrgCode

pickup_location BIT 0 1

the ability to act as a pickup location

public BIT 0 1

whether this library should show in the opac

opacuserjs LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

branch specific javascript for the OPAC

opacusercss LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

branch specific css for the OPAC


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc branchcode
