
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
biblionumber INT 10 null
aqorders.biblionumber aqorders_ibfk_2N
article_requests.biblionumber article_requests_ibfk_2C
biblio_metadata.biblionumber record_metadata_fk_1C
biblioitems.biblionumber biblioitems_ibfk_1C
club_holds.biblio_id clubs_holds_ibfk_2C
course_items.biblionumber fk_course_items_biblionumberC
cover_images.biblionumber bibliocoverimage_fk1C
erm_eholdings_titles.biblio_id erm_eholdings_titles_ibfk_2N
hold_fill_targets.biblionumber hold_fill_targets_ibfk_2C
item_groups.biblio_id item_groups_ibfk_1C
items.biblionumber items_ibfk_4C
linktracker.biblionumber linktracker_biblio_ibfkN
old_reserves.biblionumber old_reserves_ibfk_2N
ratings.biblionumber ratings_ibfk_2C
recalls.biblio_id recalls_ibfk_2C
reserves.biblionumber reserves_ibfk_2C
reviews.biblionumber reviews_ibfk_2C
serial.biblionumber serial_ibfk_1C
subscription.biblionumber subscription_ibfk_3C
subscriptionhistory.biblionumber subscription_history_ibfk_1C
suggestions.biblionumber suggestions_ibfk_biblionumberN
tags_all.biblionumber tags_biblionumber_fk_1C
tags_index.biblionumber tags_index_biblionumber_fk_1C
tmp_holdsqueue.biblionumber tmp_holdsqueue_ibfk_2C
virtualshelfcontents.biblionumber shelfcontents_ibfk_2C

unique identifier assigned to each bibliographic record

frameworkcode VARCHAR 4
biblio_framework.frameworkcode Implied ConstraintR

foreign key from the biblio_framework table to identify which framework was used in cataloging this record

author LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

statement of responsibility from MARC record (100$a in MARC21)

title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

title (without the subtitle) from the MARC record (245$a in MARC21)

medium LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

medium from the MARC record (245$h in MARC21)

subtitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

remainder of the title from the MARC record (245$b in MARC21)

part_number LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

part number from the MARC record (245$n in MARC21)

part_name LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

part name from the MARC record (245$p in MARC21)

unititle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

uniform title (without the subtitle) from the MARC record (240$a in MARC21)

notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

values from the general notes field in the MARC record (500$a in MARC21) split by bar (|)

serial BIT 0 null

Boolean indicating whether biblio is for a serial

seriestitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
copyrightdate SMALLINT 5 null

publication or copyright date from the MARC record


date and time this record was last touched

datecreated DATE 10 null

the date this record was added to Koha

abstract LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

summary from the MARC record (520$a in MARC21)


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc biblionumber
blbnoidx Performance Asc biblionumber
