

Table Type Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
additional_fields Table id INT 10 null

primary key identifier

branches Table branchfax LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the fax number for your library or branch

import_auths Table authorized_heading VARCHAR 128 null
import_batches Table num_items INT 10 0

number of items in the file

auth_subfield_structure Table hidden TINYINT 3 0
subscription Table innerloop2 INT 10 0
hold_fill_targets Table itemnumber INT 10 null
stockrotationrotas Table title VARCHAR 100 null
aqbasket Table creationdate DATE 10 null

the date the basket was created

suggestions Table publishercode VARCHAR 255 null

publisher of the suggested item

borrower_modifications Table firstname MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
aqbasket Table note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the internal note added at basket creation

deletedborrowers Table borrowernotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

a note on the patron/borrower's account that is only visible in the staff client

accountlines Table debit_type_code VARCHAR 80 null
ratings Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

the borrowernumber of the patron who left this rating (borrowers.borrowernumber)

marc_modification_template_actions Table to_regex_modifiers VARCHAR 8
housebound_profile Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

Number of the borrower associated with this profile.

old_reserves Table biblionumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the biblio table defining which bib record this hold is on

stockrotationrotas Table description TEXT 65535 null
club_template_enrollment_fields Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
issues Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time this record was last touched

creator_templates Table rows INT 10 0
deletedborrowers Table lang VARCHAR 25 default

lang to use to send notices to this patron

aqorders Table ecost_tax_included DECIMAL 28 null

the estimated cost including tax

tmp_holdsqueue Table biblionumber INT 10 null
branches_overdrive Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
club_holds_to_patron_holds Table id INT 10 null
borrowers Table contacttitle MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

used for children to include title (Mr., Mrs., etc) of guarantor

saved_sql Table last_run DATETIME 19 null
items Table issues SMALLINT 5 null

number of times this item has been checked out/issued

auth_subfield_structure Table tagfield VARCHAR 3
creator_templates Table template_id INT 10 null
export_format Table field_separator VARCHAR 2 null
subscription_numberpatterns Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
stockrotationstages Table position INT 10 null
aqbooksellers Table invoiceincgst TINYINT 3 null

is tax included in invoice prices (1 for yes, 0 for no)

saved_sql Table last_modified DATETIME 19 null

the date this report was last edited

misc_files Table table_tag VARCHAR 255 null

usually table name, or arbitrary unique tag

suggestions Table note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

note entered on the suggestion

linktracker Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

borrowernumber who clicked the link

deleteditems Table damaged_on DATETIME 19 null

the date and time an item was last marked as damaged, NULL if not damaged

deletedbiblioitems Table totalissues INT 10 null
issues Table note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

issue note text

accountlines Table register_id INT 10 null
account_offsets Table id INT 10 null

unique identifier for each offset

borrowers Table emailpro MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the secondary email addres for your patron/borrower's primary address

action_logs Table user INT 10 0

the staff member who performed the action (borrowers.borrowernumber)

need_merge_authorities Table authid_new BIGINT 19 null

reference to optional new authority record

article_requests Table id INT 10 null
branches Table branchreplyto LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the email to be used as a Reply-To

aqorders Table parent_ordernumber INT 10 null

ordernumber of parent order line, or same as ordernumber if no parent

z3950servers Table encoding MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

characters encoding provided by this target

borrower_modifications Table relationship VARCHAR 100 null
illrequests Table price_paid VARCHAR 20 null
library_groups Table ft_search_groups_staff BIT 0 0

Use this group for opac side search groups

z3950servers Table recordtype enum('authority', 'biblio') 10 biblio

server contains bibliographic or authority records

auth_subfield_structure Table seealso VARCHAR 255 null
borrowers Table contactname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

used for children and profesionals to include surname or last name of guarantor or organization name

aqcontacts Table email VARCHAR 100 null

contact's email address

auth_tag_structure Table liblibrarian VARCHAR 255
sessions Table id VARCHAR 32 null
borrower_modifications Table altcontactcountry MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
borrower_modifications Table altcontactaddress1 VARCHAR 255 null
virtualshelfshares Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
accountlines Table interface VARCHAR 16 null
illrequests Table replied DATE 10 null
aqbudgets Table sort2_authcat VARCHAR 80 null

second statistical category for this fund

marc_modification_template_actions Table to_regex_search MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
aqbasketgroups Table deliverycomment VARCHAR 255 null
virtualshelves Table owner INT 10 null

foreign key linking to the borrowers table (using borrowernumber) for the creator of this list (changed from varchar(80) to int)

clubs Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
borrower_modifications Table altcontactfirstname VARCHAR 255 null
aqcontacts Table acqprimary BIT 0 0

is this the primary contact for acquisitions messages

subscription Table countissuesperunit INT 10 1
export_format Table type VARCHAR 255 marc
aqbasket Table is_standing BIT 0 0

orders in this basket are standing

search_marc_to_field Table search_marc_map_id INT 10 null
club_template_fields Table id INT 10 null
subscriptionhistory Table missinglist LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
courses Table staff_note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the text of the staff only note

deletedbiblio Table copyrightdate SMALLINT 5 null

publication or copyright date from the MARC record

clubs Table date_start DATE 10 null
tags_all Table tag_id INT 10 null

unique id and primary key

virtualshelfcontents Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

borrower number that created this list entry (only the first one is saved: no need for use in/as key)

aqorders Table sort2 VARCHAR 80 null

second statistical field

items Table itemnotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

public notes on this item (MARC21 952$z)

suggestions Table biblionumber INT 10 null

foreign key linking the suggestion to the biblio table after the suggestion has been ordered

saved_sql Table mana_id INT 10 null
deletedbiblioitems Table cn_class VARCHAR 30 null
aqbooksellers Table listincgst TINYINT 3 null

is tax included in list prices (1 for yes, 0 for no)

matchpoints Table search_index VARCHAR 30
subscription Table lastvalue3 INT 10 null
deleteditems Table restricted BIT 0 null

authorized value defining use restrictions for this item (MARC21 952$5)

itemtypes Table rentalcharge DECIMAL 28 null

the amount charged when this item is checked out/issued

tags Table weight BIGINT 19 0
illrequests Table accessurl VARCHAR 500 null
oai_sets_mappings Table marcsubfield CHAR 1 null
auth_header Table datecreated DATE 10 null
branchtransfers Table tobranch VARCHAR 10

the branch the transfer was going to

biblioitems Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null

biblio level item type (MARC21 942$c)

account_debit_types_branches Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
import_records Table status enum('error', 'staged', 'imported', 'reverted', 'items_reverted', 'ignored') 14 staged
action_logs Table module MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the module this action was taken against

pending_offline_operations Table barcode VARCHAR 20 null
tmp_holdsqueue Table phone MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
biblioitems Table issn LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

ISSN (MARC21 022$a)

import_biblios Table import_record_id INT 10 null
currency Table currency VARCHAR 10
api_keys Table secret VARCHAR 191 null
deleteditems Table dateaccessioned DATE 10 null

date the item was acquired or added to Koha (MARC21 952$d)

aqbudgets_planning Table budget_id INT 10 null
aqorders Table cancellationreason MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

reason of cancellation

borrower_debarments Table manager_id INT 10 null

foreign key for borrowers.borrowernumber for the librarian managing the restriction

aqcontacts Table id INT 10 null

primary key and unique number assigned by Koha

linktracker Table id INT 10 null

primary key identifier

return_claims Table resolution VARCHAR 80 null
localization Table code VARCHAR 64 null
itemtypes Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

a plain text explanation of the item type

suggestions Table quantity SMALLINT 5 null

suggested quantity to be purchased

account_credit_types Table can_be_added_manually TINYINT 3 1
import_batches Table item_action enum('always_add', 'add_only_for_matches', 'add_only_for_new', 'ignore', 'replace') 20 always_add

what to do with item records

deletedbiblioitems Table collectiontitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
marc_matchers Table threshold INT 10 0
club_holds_to_patron_holds Table error_code enum('damaged', 'ageRestricted', 'itemAlreadyOnHold', 'tooManyHoldsForThisRecord', 'tooManyReservesToday', 'tooManyReserves', 'notReservable', 'cannotReserveFromOtherBranches', 'libraryNotFound', 'libraryNotPickupLocation', 'cannotBeTransferred') 30 null
marc_tag_structure Table tagfield VARCHAR 3
deletedborrowers Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

patron/borrower's title, for example: Mr. or Mrs.

aqorders Table sort1_authcat VARCHAR 10 null
virtualshelves Table allow_change_from_others BIT 0 0

can others change contents?

borrower_modifications Table altcontactstate MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
repeatable_holidays Table month SMALLINT 5 null

month this closing is in

borrower_modifications Table dateenrolled DATE 10 null
account_credit_types Table code VARCHAR 80 null
deletedbiblio_metadata Table id INT 10 null
biblioimages Table imagefile MEDIUMBLOB 16777215 null

image file contents

aqbudgets Table sort1_authcat VARCHAR 80 null

statistical category for this fund

subscription_numberpatterns Table numbering2 VARCHAR 255 null
subscription_numberpatterns Table label2 VARCHAR 255 null
message_queue Table status enum('sent', 'pending', 'failed', 'deleted') 7 pending
biblioitems Table publicationyear MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
suggestions Table acceptedby INT 10 null

borrowernumber for the librarian who accepted the suggestion, foreign key linking to the borrowers table

auth_types Table auth_tag_to_report VARCHAR 3
letter Table content MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

body text for the notice or slip

aqbooksellers Table invoiceprice VARCHAR 10 null

currency code for invoice prices

language_rfc4646_to_iso639 Table id INT 10 null
deletedborrowers Table altcontactzipcode VARCHAR 50 null

the zipcode for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

message_queue Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
categories Table finetype VARCHAR 30 null

unused in Koha

housebound_profile Table fav_subjects MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

Free text describing preferred subjects.

statistics Table type VARCHAR 16 null

transaction type (localuse, issue, return, renew, writeoff, payment)

import_biblios Table control_number VARCHAR 25 null
course_reserves Table staff_note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

staff only note

categories Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

description of the patron category

matchpoint_component_norms Table matchpoint_component_id INT 10 null
vendor_edi_accounts Table responses_enabled BIT 0 0
overduerules_transport_types Table letternumber INT 10 1
import_batches Table record_type enum('biblio', 'auth', 'holdings') 8 biblio

type of record in the batch

deleteditems Table withdrawn_on DATETIME 19 null

the date and time an item was last marked as withdrawn, NULL if not withdrawn

aqorders_items Table itemnumber INT 10 null

the item number for this item (items.itemnumber)

biblio Table biblionumber INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned to each bibliographic record

authorised_value_categories Table category_name VARCHAR 32
aqbooksellers Table address4 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

fourth line of vendor physical address

message_transports Table letter_module VARCHAR 20
language_subtag_registry Table id INT 10 null
deleteditems Table copynumber VARCHAR 32 null

copy number (MARC21 952$t)

club_enrollments Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
social_data Table num_quotations INT 10 null
search_marc_to_field Table suggestible BIT 0 0

true if this field can be used to generate suggestions for browse

marc_subfield_structure Table mandatory TINYINT 3 0
biblio Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

title (without the subtitle) from the MARC record (245$a in MARC21)

old_reserves Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time this hold was last updated

opac_news Table number INT 10 null

the order in which this article appears in that specific location

deleteditems Table replacementpricedate DATE 10 null

the date the price is effective from (MARC21 952$w)

aqorders_transfers Table ordernumber_from INT 10 null
permissions Table code VARCHAR 64
serial Table serialseq_y VARCHAR 100 null

second part of issue information

subscription_numberpatterns Table add3 INT 10 null
tmp_holdsqueue Table itemnumber INT 10 null
issuingrules Table holds_per_day SMALLINT 5 null

How many holds a patron can have on a day

suggestions Table total DECIMAL 28 null

suggested total cost (price*quantity updated for currency)

aqcontacts Table serialsprimary BIT 0 0

is this the primary contact for serials messages

matchchecks Table target_matchpoint_id INT 10 null
borrowers Table password VARCHAR 60 null

patron/borrower's Bcrypt encrypted password

aqbudgets Table budget_branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

branch that this fund belongs to (branches.branchcode)

branches Table branchaddress1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the first address line of for your library or branch

deletedbiblio Table biblionumber INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned to each bibliographic record

deletedborrowers Table lost BIT 0 null

set to 1 for yes and 0 for no, flag to note that library marked this patron/borrower as having lost their card

additional_field_values Table value VARCHAR 255

value for this field

aqinvoice_adjustments Table note MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

text to explain adjustment

old_issues Table itemnumber INT 10 null

foreign key, linking this to the items table for the item that was checked out

aqorders Table discount FLOAT 6 null

the discount for this line item (%)

search_history Table time TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time the search was run

social_data Table num_critics INT 10 null
deletedbiblioitems Table collectionvolume LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
class_split_rules Table split_routine VARCHAR 30
illrequests Table status_alias VARCHAR 80 null
edifact_messages Table id INT 10 null
suggestions Table managedby INT 10 null

borrowernumber for the librarian managing the suggestion, foreign key linking to the borrowers table

borrower_modifications Table streettype VARCHAR 50 null
saved_sql Table report_group VARCHAR 80 null
borrowers Table contactfirstname MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

used for children to include first name of guarantor

subscriptionhistory Table recievedlist LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
item_circulation_alert_preferences Table notification VARCHAR 16 null
circulation_rules Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null
reserves Table item_level_hold BIT 0 0

Is the hpld placed at item level

creator_templates Table template_code CHAR 100 DEFAULT TEMPLATE
localization Table localization_id INT 10 null
club_template_enrollment_fields Table name TEXT 65535 null
club_templates Table name TEXT 65535 null
club_template_fields Table authorised_value_category VARCHAR 16 null
special_holidays Table id INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned by Koha

branchtransfers Table branchtransfer_id INT 10 null

primary key

auth_types Table summary LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
import_items Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
reserves Table reminderdate DATE 10 null

currently unused

subscription Table skip_serialseq BIT 0 0
courses Table department VARCHAR 80 null

the authorised value for the DEPARTMENT

deletedborrowers Table dateofbirth DATE 10 null

the patron/borrower's date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)

columns_settings Table page VARCHAR 255 null
suggestions Table accepteddate DATE 10 null

date the suggestion was marked as accepted

subscription_numberpatterns Table displayorder INT 10 null
stockrotationitems Table fresh BIT 0 0
deletedbiblio Table part_name LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

part name from the MARC record (245$p in MARC21)

collections_tracking Table itemnumber INT 10 0


borrowers Table B_zipcode VARCHAR 25 null

the zip or postal code for your patron/borrower's alternate address

need_merge_authorities Table reportxml MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

xml showing original reporting tag

class_sources Table used TINYINT 3 0
aqorders Table biblionumber INT 10 null

links the order to the biblio being ordered (biblio.biblionumber)

suggestions Table manageddate DATE 10 null

date the suggestion was updated

creator_layouts Table oblique_title INT 10 1
letter Table lang VARCHAR 25 default

lang of the notice

saved_sql Table savedsql MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the SQL for this report

search_marc_map Table id INT 10 null
alert Table externalid VARCHAR 20
linktracker Table url MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the link itself

saved_sql Table id INT 10 null

unique id and primary key assigned by Koha

biblioitems Table lccn VARCHAR 25 null

library of congress control number (MARC21 010$a)

deletedbiblioitems Table illus VARCHAR 255 null

illustrations (MARC21 300$b)

userflags Table flagdesc VARCHAR 255 null
illrequests Table notesstaff MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
account_debit_types Table description VARCHAR 200 null
borrowers Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

foreign key from the branches table, includes the code of the patron/borrower's home branch

club_enrollments Table date_enrolled TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
letter Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

the branch this notice or slip is used at (branches.branchcode)

return_claims Table id INT 10 null
deletedborrowers Table emailpro MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the secondary email addres for your patron/borrower's primary address

borrowers Table privacy_guarantor_fines BIT 0 0

controls if relatives can see this patron's fines

patron_lists Table patron_list_id INT 10 null

unique identifier

clubs Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
columns_settings Table tablename VARCHAR 255 null
message_queue Table content_type MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
language_subtag_registry Table subtag VARCHAR 25 null
authorised_values Table lib VARCHAR 200 null

authorized value description as printed in the staff client

reviews Table datereviewed DATETIME 19 null

the date the comment was left

items Table dateaccessioned DATE 10 null

date the item was acquired or added to Koha (MARC21 952$d)

message_attributes Table message_attribute_id INT 10 null
deletedborrowers Table updated_on TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

time of last change could be useful for synchronization with external systems (among others)

borrower_modifications Table verification_token VARCHAR 255
serial Table serialseq_x VARCHAR 100 null

first part of issue information

borrower_attribute_types Table opac_editable BIT 0 0

defines if this field is editable by patrons on their account in the OPAC (1 for yes, 0 for no)

import_biblios Table matched_biblionumber INT 10 null
vendor_edi_accounts Table id INT 10 null
letter Table code VARCHAR 20

unique identifier for this notice or slip

illcomments Table comment TEXT 65535 null
aqbasket Table billingplace VARCHAR 10 null

basket billing place

aqbooksellers Table listprice VARCHAR 10 null

currency code for list prices

search_field Table facet_order TINYINT 3 null

the order place of the field in facet list if faceted

borrower_modifications Table sort2 VARCHAR 80 null
old_reserves Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the borrowers table defining which patron this hold is for

serial Table biblionumber VARCHAR 100

foreign key for the biblio.biblionumber that this issue is attached to

uploaded_files Table filesize INT 10 null
borrower_modifications Table B_email MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
branchtransfers Table datearrived DATETIME 19 null

the date the transfer arrived at its destination

deletedborrowers Table password VARCHAR 60 null

patron/borrower's encrypted password

course_items Table holdingbranch VARCHAR 10 null

new holding branch for the item to have while on reserve (optional)

deleteditems Table itemcallnumber VARCHAR 255 null

call number for this item (MARC21 952$o)

old_issues Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time this record was last touched

creator_templates Table top_text_margin FLOAT 12 0
tags_all Table language INT 10 null

the language the tag was left in

class_sources Table class_split_rule VARCHAR 10
reserves Table notificationdate DATE 10 null

currently unused

itemtypes Table rentalcharge_hourly DECIMAL 28 null

the amount charged for each hour between checkout date and due date

message_transports Table message_attribute_id INT 10 null
vendor_edi_accounts Table plugin VARCHAR 256
subscription Table locale VARCHAR 80 null

for foreign language subscriptions to display months, seasons, etc correctly

import_batches Table overlay_action enum('replace', 'create_new', 'use_template', 'ignore') 12 create_new

how to handle duplicate records

deletedbiblioitems Table issn LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

ISSN (MARC21 022$a)

overduerules_transport_types Table overduerules_id INT 10 null
borrower_files Table file_description VARCHAR 255 null

description given to the file

account_credit_types_branches Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
aqbasket Table basketno INT 10 null

primary key, Koha defined number

saved_reports Table report_id INT 10 null
borrower_attribute_types Table staff_searchable BIT 0 0

defines if this field is searchable via the patron search in the staff client (1 for yes, 0 for no)

borrowers Table email LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the primary email address for your patron/borrower's primary address

account_debit_types Table archived BIT 0 0

boolean flag to denote if this till is archived or not

issues Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key, linking to the branches table for the location the item was checked out

borrowers Table smsalertnumber VARCHAR 50 null

the mobile phone number where the patron/borrower would like to receive notices (if SMS turned on)

special_holidays Table title VARCHAR 50

title for this closing

aqorders Table basketno INT 10 null

links this order line to a specific basket (aqbasket.basketno)

creator_images Table image_name CHAR 20 DEFAULT
aqcontract Table contractenddate DATE 10 null
courses Table course_id INT 10 null

unique id for the course

aqorders Table tax_value_on_receiving DECIMAL 28 null

the tax value on receiving for this line item

edifact_messages Table transfer_date DATE 10 null
matchpoints Table score INT 10 0
borrowers Table address2 MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the second address line for your patron/borrower's primary address

tags_all Table date_created DATETIME 19 null

the date the tag was added

branches Table branchnotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to your library or branch

language_descriptions Table type VARCHAR 25 null
biblioitems Table volume LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
action_logs Table interface VARCHAR 30 null

the context this action was taken in

item_circulation_alert_preferences Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
vendor_edi_accounts Table transport VARCHAR 6 FTP
illcomments Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
deleteditems Table materials MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

materials specified (MARC21 952$3)

matchpoint_components Table tag VARCHAR 3
social_data Table num_scores INT 10 null
club_templates Table date_created TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
patron_consent Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
deleteditems Table uri VARCHAR 255 null

URL for the item (MARC21 952$u)

items Table withdrawn_on DATETIME 19 null

the date and time an item was last marked as withdrawn, NULL if not withdrawn

deletedbiblioitems Table place VARCHAR 255 null

publication place (MARC21 260$a)

borrower_attribute_types Table unique_id BIT 0 0

defines if this value needs to be unique (1 for yes, 0 for no)

quotes Table text LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

text of the quote

aqbudgets Table budget_encumb DECIMAL 28 0.000000

budget warning at percentage

edifact_messages Table status MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
subscription Table firstacquidate DATE 10 null

first issue received date

marc_subfield_structure Table frameworkcode VARCHAR 4
aqinvoice_adjustments Table invoiceid INT 10 null

foreign key to link an adjustment to an invoice

deletedborrowers Table altcontactcountry MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the country for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

borrower_modifications Table address2 MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
deletedborrowers Table phone MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the primary phone number for your patron/borrower's primary address

authorised_values Table imageurl VARCHAR 200 null

authorized value URL

issues Table noteseen INT 10 null

describes whether checkout note has been seen 1, not been seen 0 or doesn't exist null

marc_matchers Table matcher_id INT 10 null
old_reserves Table reservenotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to this hold

statistics Table branch VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key, branch where the transaction occurred

suggestions Table STATUS VARCHAR 10

suggestion status (ASKED, CHECKED, ACCEPTED, or REJECTED)

language_descriptions Table id INT 10 null
subscription_frequencies Table issuesperunit INT 10 1
stockrotationstages Table branchcode_id VARCHAR 10 null
account_credit_types Table is_system BIT 0 0
subscription_numberpatterns Table every2 INT 10 null
matchpoint_components Table length INT 10 0
borrowers Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

patron/borrower's title, for example: Mr. or Mrs.

aqbooksellers Table address3 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

third line of vendor physical address

borrower_debarments Table comment MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

comments about the restriction

biblio Table serial BIT 0 null

Boolean indicating whether biblio is for a serial

library_groups Table title VARCHAR 100 null
suggestions Table collectiontitle MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

collection name for the suggested item

housebound_profile Table notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

Free text for additional notes.

deletedbiblioitems Table size VARCHAR 255 null

material size (MARC21 300$c)

aqbudgets_planning Table plan_id INT 10 null
collections Table colId INT 10 null
patron_lists Table owner INT 10 null
aqorders Table purchaseordernumber LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

not used? always NULL

marc_subfield_structure Table authorised_value VARCHAR 32 null
creator_layouts Table font CHAR 10 TR
deletedborrowers Table gonenoaddress BIT 0 null

set to 1 for yes and 0 for no, flag to note that library marked this patron/borrower as having an unconfirmed address

deletedbiblioitems Table agerestriction VARCHAR 255 null

target audience/age restriction from the bib record (MARC21 521$a)

messages Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key linking the message to the branches table

illrequestattributes Table value MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
pending_offline_operations Table operationid INT 10 null
cash_registers Table id INT 10 null

unique identifier for each account register

reports_dictionary Table date_created DATETIME 19 null

date and time this definition was created

reserves Table priority SMALLINT 5 null

where in the queue the patron sits

need_merge_authorities Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time last modified

branches Table branchcountry MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the county for your library or branch

saved_sql Table report_area VARCHAR 6 null
deletedborrowers Table sex VARCHAR 1 null

patron/borrower's gender

subscription_numberpatterns Table whenmorethan1 INT 10 null
illrequestattributes Table illrequest_id BIGINT UNSIGNED 20 null

ILL request number

suggestions Table suggestionid INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned automatically by Koha

aqbasket Table closedate DATE 10 null

the date the basket was closed

export_format Table csv_separator VARCHAR 2 ,
issuingrules Table cap_fine_to_replacement_price BIT 0 0

cap the fine based on item's replacement price

tmp_holdsqueue Table barcode VARCHAR 20 null
deletedborrowers Table streettype VARCHAR 50 null

the street type (Rd., Blvd, etc) for your patron/borrower's primary address

deleteditems Table biblioitemnumber INT 10 0

foreign key from the biblioitems table to link to item to additional information

currency Table active BIT 0 null
issuingrules Table renewalsallowed SMALLINT 5 0

how many renewals are allowed

club_holds Table club_id INT 10 null

id for the club the hold was generated for

item_circulation_alert_preferences Table categorycode VARCHAR 10 null
borrower_modifications Table debarred DATE 10 null
aqorders Table suppliers_report MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

reports received from suppliers

creator_templates Table units CHAR 20 POINT
aqcontract Table booksellerid INT 10 null
borrower_modifications Table B_city LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
language_subtag_registry Table added DATE 10 null
deleteditems Table itemnumber INT 10 0

primary key and unique identifier added by Koha

borrowers Table B_country MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the country for your patron/borrower's alternate address

items_search_fields Table label VARCHAR 255 null
aqbooksellers Table url VARCHAR 255 null

vendor web address

biblio Table subtitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

remainder of the title from the MARC record (245$b in MARC21)

borrowers Table altcontactaddress1 VARCHAR 255 null

the first address line for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

subscription Table biblionumber INT 10 0

foreign key for biblio.biblionumber that this subscription is attached to

currency Table symbol VARCHAR 5 null
items_search_fields Table name VARCHAR 255 null
tags_approval Table approved_by INT 10 null

the librarian who approved the tag (borrowers.borrowernumber)

old_reserves Table waitingdate DATE 10 null

the date the item was marked as waiting for the patron at the library

creator_layouts Table printing_type CHAR 32 BAR
uploaded_files Table id INT 10 null
subscriptionhistory Table histenddate DATE 10 null
issuingrules Table maxsuspensiondays INT 10 null

max suspension days

article_requests Table pages MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
message_queue Table message_id INT 10 null
patronimage Table imagefile MEDIUMBLOB 16777215 null

the image

class_split_rules Table split_regex VARCHAR 255
aqorders Table rrp_tax_excluded DECIMAL 28 null

the replacement cost excluding tax

tags_approval Table weight_total INT 10 1

the total number of times this tag was used

deleteditems Table datelastseen DATE 10 null

the date the item was last see (usually the last time the barcode was scanned or inventory was done)

courses Table students_count VARCHAR 20 null

how many students will be taking this course/section

marc_modification_template_actions Table action enum('delete_field', 'add_field', 'update_field', 'move_field', 'copy_field', 'copy_and_replace_field') 22 null
deletedborrowers Table smsalertnumber VARCHAR 50 null

the mobile phone number where the patron/borrower would like to receive notices (if SMS turned on)

reserves Table cancellationdate DATE 10 null

the date this hold was cancelled

old_issues Table date_due DATETIME 19 null

date the item is due (yyyy-mm-dd)

club_fields Table value MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
import_biblios Table issn VARCHAR 9 null
borrowers Table userid VARCHAR 75 null

patron/borrower's opac and/or staff client log in

deletedborrowers Table fax LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the fax number for your patron/borrower's primary address

import_records Table import_date DATE 10 null
old_issues Table note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

issue note text

cash_registers Table archived BIT 0 0

boolean flag to denote if this till is archived or not

accountlines Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
items Table location VARCHAR 80 null

authorized value for the shelving location for this item (MARC21 952$c)

marc_tag_structure Table repeatable TINYINT 3 0
aqorders Table listprice DECIMAL 28 null

the vendor price for this line item

biblio Table part_number LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

part number from the MARC record (245$n in MARC21)

borrower_files Table file_content LONGBLOB 2147483647 null

the file

overduerules Table debarred2 VARCHAR 1 0

is the patron restricted when the second notice is sent (1 for yes, 0 for no)

import_items Table marcxml LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
deletedborrowers Table flags INT 10 null

will include a number associated with the staff member's permissions

import_batches Table num_records INT 10 0

number of records in the file

reserves Table suspend BIT 0 0
subscription_numberpatterns Table label3 VARCHAR 255 null
deletedbiblio_metadata Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
borrower_debarments Table updated TIMESTAMP 19 null

date the restriction was updated

reviews Table reviewid INT 10 null

unique identifier for this comment

aqbudgets Table budget_name VARCHAR 80 null

name assigned to the fund by the user

need_merge_authorities Table authid BIGINT 19 null

reference to original authority record

creator_templates Table col_gap FLOAT 12 0
aqinvoice_adjustments Table encumber_open SMALLINT 5 1

whether or not to encumber the funds when invoice is still open, 1 = yes, 0 = no

old_issues Table issuedate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was checked out or issued

borrowers Table dateexpiry DATE 10 null

date the patron/borrower's card is set to expire (YYYY-MM-DD)

deletedborrowers Table B_country MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the country for your patron/borrower's alternate address

edifact_messages Table message_type VARCHAR 10 null
creator_layouts Table start_label INT 10 1
aqbudgets Table budget_code VARCHAR 30 null

code assigned to the fund by the user

article_requests Table patron_notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
categories Table upperagelimit SMALLINT 5 null

age limit for the patron

import_records Table marc LONGBLOB 2147483647 null
tags_all Table biblionumber INT 10 null

the bib record this tag was left on (biblio.biblionumber)

borrowers Table login_attempts INT 10 0

number of failed login attemps

borrowers Table B_address VARCHAR 100 null

the first address line for your patron/borrower's alternate address

serial Table notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null


article_requests Table date MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
collections Table colBranchcode VARCHAR 10 null

'branchcode for branch where item should be held.'

deleteditems Table more_subfields_xml LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

additional 952 subfields in XML format

marc_tag_structure Table liblibrarian VARCHAR 255
borrowers Table lastseen DATETIME 19 null

last time a patron has been seen (connected at the OPAC or staff interface)

article_requests Table biblionumber INT 10 null
biblioimages Table thumbnail MEDIUMBLOB 16777215 null

thumbnail file contents

need_merge_authorities Table done TINYINT 3 0
stockrotationitems Table itemnumber_id INT 10 null
reserves Table reserve_id INT 10 null

primary key

search_field Table label VARCHAR 255 null

the human readable name of the field, for display

deletedborrowers Table dateenrolled DATE 10 null

date the patron was added to Koha (YYYY-MM-DD)

aqinvoices Table closedate DATE 10 null
housebound_profile Table referral MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

Free text indicating how the borrower was added to the service.

import_biblios Table original_source VARCHAR 25 null
items Table replacementprice DECIMAL 8 null

cost the library charges to replace the item if it has been marked lost (MARC21 952$v)

aqcontacts Table position VARCHAR 100 null

contact person's position

items Table new_status VARCHAR 32 null

'new' value, you can put whatever free-text information. This field is intented to be managed by the automatic_item_modification_by_age cronjob.

user_permissions Table module_bit INT 10 0
borrower_modifications Table B_state MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
search_field Table id INT 10 null
return_claims Table resolved_on TIMESTAMP 19 null
borrower_message_transport_preferences Table borrower_message_preference_id INT 10 0
return_claims Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
matcher_matchpoints Table matcher_id INT 10 null
old_issues Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key, linking to the branches table for the location the item was checked out

creator_templates Table left_text_margin FLOAT 12 0
stockrotationrotas Table active BIT 0 0
aqbudgetperiods Table budget_period_active BIT 0 0

whether this budget is active or not (1 for yes, 0 for no)

old_issues Table renewals TINYINT 3 0

lists the number of times the item was renewed

auth_subfield_structure Table mandatory TINYINT 3 0
borrowers Table phone MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the primary phone number for your patron/borrower's primary address

keyboard_shortcuts Table shortcut_keys VARCHAR 80 null
aqorders Table sort1 VARCHAR 80 null

statistical field

borrowers Table B_city LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the city or town for your patron/borrower's alternate address

subscription_frequencies Table unit enum('day', 'week', 'month', 'year') 5 null
virtualshelfcontents Table shelfnumber INT 10 0

foreign key linking to the virtualshelves table, defines the list that this record has been added to

deletedborrowers Table privacy INT 10 1

patron/borrower's privacy settings related to their reading history KEY borrowernumber (borrowernumber),

subscriptionroutinglist Table routingid INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned by Koha

subscription Table closed INT 10 0

yes / no if the subscription is closed

zebraqueue Table id INT 10 null
edifact_messages Table edi_acct INT 10 null
issuingrules Table categorycode VARCHAR 10

patron category this rule is for (categories.categorycode)

club_template_enrollment_fields Table authorised_value_category VARCHAR 16 null
marc_subfield_structure Table tagsubfield VARCHAR 1
tags_approval Table date_approved DATETIME 19 null

the date this tag was approved

aqorder_users Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

the borrowernumber for the patron receiving notifications for this order (borrowers.borrowernumber)

itemtypes Table itemtype VARCHAR 10

unique key, a code associated with the item type

borrower_modifications Table altcontactphone VARCHAR 50 null
branchtransfers Table datesent DATETIME 19 null

the date the transfer was initialized

localization Table entity VARCHAR 16 null
import_biblios Table title VARCHAR 128 null
edifact_ean Table ee_id INT 10 null
borrowers Table country MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the country for your patron/borrower's primary address

borrower_modifications Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
categories Table issuelimit SMALLINT 5 null

unused in Koha

oai_sets_mappings Table marcvalue VARCHAR 80 null
overduerules Table letter3 VARCHAR 20 null

foreign key from the letter table to define which notice should be sent as the third notice

borrower_modifications Table borrowernumber INT 10 0
opac_news Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

pulibcation date and time

deletedborrowers Table address2 MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the second address line for your patron/borrower's primary address

old_issues Table lastreneweddate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was last renewed

printers_profile Table template_id INT 10 0
branches_overdrive Table authname VARCHAR 255 null
clubs Table name TEXT 65535 null
deletedbiblioitems Table publishercode VARCHAR 255 null

publisher (MARC21 260$b)

aqorders Table tax_value_on_ordering DECIMAL 28 null

the tax value on ordering for this line item

borrower_modifications Table fax LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
items Table biblionumber INT 10 0

foreign key from biblio table used to link this item to the right bib record

matchpoints Table matchpoint_id INT 10 null
borrower_modifications Table B_country MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
deletedborrowers Table dateexpiry DATE 10 null

date the patron/borrower's card is set to expire (YYYY-MM-DD)

auth_subfield_structure Table repeatable TINYINT 3 0
article_requests Table status enum('PENDING', 'PROCESSING', 'COMPLETED', 'CANCELED') 10 PENDING
z3950servers Table userid VARCHAR 255 null

username needed to log in to target

aqbasket Table contractnumber INT 10 null

links this basket to the aqcontract table (aqcontract.contractnumber)

auth_subfield_structure Table tagsubfield VARCHAR 1
vendor_edi_accounts Table id_code_qualifier VARCHAR 3 14
marc_tag_structure Table mandatory TINYINT 3 0
items Table materials MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

materials specified (MARC21 952$3)

deleteditems Table itemnotes_nonpublic LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

non-public notes on this item (MARC21 952$x)

items Table itemcallnumber VARCHAR 255 null

call number for this item (MARC21 952$o)

aqcontacts Table claimissues BIT 0 0

should this contact receive serial claims

items Table booksellerid LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

where the item was purchased (MARC21 952$e)

subscription_numberpatterns Table every1 INT 10 null
items Table ccode VARCHAR 80 null

authorized value for the collection code associated with this item (MARC21 952$8)

suggestions Table copyrightdate SMALLINT 5 null

copyright date of the suggested item

overduerules Table delay2 INT 10 null

number of days after the item is overdue that the second notice is sent

housebound_role Table borrowernumber_id INT 10 null

borrowernumber link

virtualshelves Table shelfnumber INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned by Koha

oai_sets_mappings Table operator VARCHAR 8 equal
vendor_edi_accounts Table password VARCHAR 40 null
aqorders Table budget_id INT 10 null

the fund this order goes against (aqbudgets.budget_id)

opac_news Table expirationdate DATE 10 null

date the article is set to expire or no longer be visible

marc_matchers Table record_type VARCHAR 10 biblio
aqorders Table replacementprice DECIMAL 28 null

the replacement cost for this line item

club_enrollment_fields Table id INT 10 null
uploaded_files Table dir MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
borrowers Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

primary key, Koha assigned ID number for patrons/borrowers

language_script_mapping Table language_subtag VARCHAR 25 null
account_offsets Table type VARCHAR 16 null

The type of offset this is

account_debit_types Table is_system BIT 0 0
suggestions Table currency VARCHAR 10 null

suggested currency for the suggested price

marc_subfield_structure Table tagfield VARCHAR 3
aqbudgets Table budget_owner_id INT 10 null

borrowernumber of the person who owns this fund (borrowers.borrowernumber)

tmp_holdsqueue Table holdingbranch VARCHAR 10 null
course_reserves Table cr_id INT 10 null
club_fields Table club_id INT 10 null
creator_templates Table cols INT 10 0
opac_news Table idnew INT UNSIGNED 10 null

unique identifier for the news article

aqorders Table rrp_tax_included DECIMAL 28 null

the replacement cost including tax

items Table datelastseen DATE 10 null

the date the item was last see (usually the last time the barcode was scanned or inventory was done)

z3950servers Table timeout INT 10 0

number of seconds before Koha stops trying to access this server

edifact_messages Table basketno INT 10 null
categories Table overduenoticerequired BIT 0 null

are overdue notices sent to this patron category (1 for yes, 0 for no)

borrower_files Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key linking to the patron via the borrowernumber

borrowers Table altcontactstate MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the state for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

branchtransfers Table comments LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

any comments related to the transfer

items Table stocknumber VARCHAR 32 null

inventory number (MARC21 952$i)

aqorders Table datereceived DATE 10 null

the date this order was received

deletedbiblioitems Table isbn LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

ISBN (MARC21 020$a)

marc_tag_structure Table frameworkcode VARCHAR 4
biblioitems Table isbn LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

ISBN (MARC21 020$a)

auth_header Table marcxml LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
printers Table printqueue VARCHAR 20 null
subscription Table enddate DATE 10 null

subscription end date

issues Table returndate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was returned, will be NULL until moved to old_issues

aqorders Table claims_count INT 10 0

count of claim letters generated

deleteditems Table paidfor LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
subscription_numberpatterns Table add1 INT 10 null
repeatable_holidays Table title VARCHAR 50

title of this closing

marc_subfield_structure Table liblibrarian VARCHAR 255
biblioitems Table cn_item VARCHAR 10 null
aqbudgets Table budget_amount DECIMAL 28 0.000000

total amount for this fund

subscription Table notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null


saved_sql Table type VARCHAR 255 null

always 1 for tabular

branch_transfer_limits Table limitId INT 10 null
discharges Table validated TIMESTAMP 19 null
aqbudgets_planning Table authvalue VARCHAR 30 null
browser Table description VARCHAR 255 null
deletedborrowers Table sms_provider_id INT 10 null

the provider of the mobile phone number defined in smsalertnumber

special_holidays Table year SMALLINT 5 0

year this closing is in

aqbasket Table branch VARCHAR 10 null

basket branch

library_groups Table updated_on TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

Date and time of last

housebound_visit Table id INT 10 null

ID of the visit.

accountlines Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
biblioitems Table notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
course_items Table itype VARCHAR 10 null

new itemtype for the item to have while on reserve (optional)

library_groups Table ft_hide_patron_info BIT 0 0

Turn on the feature "Hide patron's info" for this group

aqorders Table claimed_date DATE 10 null

last date a claim was generated

aqbudgetperiods Table budget_period_locked BIT 0 null

whether this budget is locked or not (1 for yes, 0 for no)

action_logs Table info MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

information about the action (usually includes SQL statement)

aqbooksellers Table postal LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

vendor postal address (all lines)

deletedborrowers Table altcontactaddress2 VARCHAR 255 null

the second address line for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

items Table notforloan BIT 0 0

authorized value defining why this item is not for loan (MARC21 952$7)

borrower_files Table file_type VARCHAR 255 null

type of file

reserves Table reservenotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to this hold

biblio_framework Table frameworktext VARCHAR 255

the description/name given to the framework

deleteditems Table notforloan BIT 0 0

authorized value defining why this item is not for loan (MARC21 952$7)

uploaded_files Table uploadcategorycode TEXT 65535 null
suggestions Table date TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
patron_consent Table given_on DATETIME 19 null
borrowers Table B_streetnumber VARCHAR 10 null

the house number for your patron/borrower's alternate address

reviews Table review MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the body of the comment

authorised_values Table authorised_value VARCHAR 80

code use to identify the authorized value

marc_modification_template_actions Table conditional_comparison enum('exists', 'not_exists', 'equals', 'not_equals') 10 null
courses Table course_name VARCHAR 255 null

the name of the course

import_batches Table upload_timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time the file was uploaded

import_auths Table import_record_id INT 10 null
old_reserves Table cancellationdate DATE 10 null

the date this hold was cancelled

aqcontract Table contractstartdate DATE 10 null
deletedbiblioitems Table editionstatement MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
auth_subfield_structure Table linkid BIT 0 0
aqorders Table ecost DECIMAL 13 null

the replacement cost for this line item

issuingrules Table reservecharge DECIMAL 28 null
overduerules Table delay1 INT 10 null

number of days after the item is overdue that the first notice is sent

aqorders Table quantityreceived SMALLINT 5 0

the quantity that have been received so far

courses Table enabled enum('yes', 'no') 4 yes

determines whether the course is active

import_record_matches Table import_record_id INT 10 null

the id given to the imported bib record (import_records.import_record_id)

deletedbiblioitems Table pages VARCHAR 255 null

number of pages (MARC21 300$c)

borrower_modifications Table phone MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
aqorders Table unitprice_tax_excluded DECIMAL 28 null

the unit price excluding tax (on receiving)

borrower_modifications Table categorycode VARCHAR 10 null
borrower_attribute_types Table authorised_value_category VARCHAR 32 null

foreign key from authorised_values that links this custom field to an authorized value category

creator_layouts Table layout_name CHAR 25 DEFAULT
itemtypes Table hideinopac BIT 0 0

Hide the item type from the search options in OPAC

deletedbiblio Table medium LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

medium from the MARC record (245$h in MARC21)

virtualshelves Table allow_change_from_owner BIT 0 1

can owner change contents?

illrequestattributes Table readonly BIT 0 1
biblioitems Table agerestriction VARCHAR 255 null

target audience/age restriction from the bib record (MARC21 521$a)

clubs Table date_created TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
z3950servers Table servername LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

name given to the target by the library

deletedbiblio Table datecreated DATE 10 null

the date this record was added to Koha

audio_alerts Table id INT 10 null
marc_subfield_structure Table isurl BIT 0 null
borrower_message_preferences Table borrower_message_preference_id INT 10 null
biblioitems Table volumedesc MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

volume information (MARC21 362$a)

special_holidays Table month SMALLINT 5 0

month this closing is in

repeatable_holidays Table weekday SMALLINT 5 null

day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc) this closing is repeated on

transport_cost Table disable_transfer BIT 0 0
categories Table dateofbirthrequired BIT 0 null

the minimum age required for the patron category

marc_modification_template_actions Table conditional_subfield VARCHAR 1 null
cities Table city_country VARCHAR 100 null

name of the country

borrowers Table sms_provider_id INT 10 null

the provider of the mobile phone number defined in smsalertnumber

aqbudgets Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time this fund was last touched (created or modified)

vendor_edi_accounts Table san VARCHAR 20 null
aqcontacts Table notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to the contact

borrower_modifications Table altcontactsurname VARCHAR 255 null
subscription Table location VARCHAR 80

default shelving location (items.location)

housebound_visit Table deliverer_brwnumber INT 10 null

Number of the borrower to deliver items.

aqorders Table tax_rate_on_ordering DECIMAL 6 null

the tax rate on ordering for this line item (%)

aqcontract Table contractname VARCHAR 50 null
deleteditems Table cn_source VARCHAR 10 null

classification source used on this item (MARC21 952$2)

letter Table name VARCHAR 100

plain text name for this notice or slip

aqbooksellers Table accountnumber LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

unused in Koha

statistics Table itemnumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the items table, links transaction to a specific item

message_queue Table from_address LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
library_groups Table ft_search_groups_opac BIT 0 0

Use this group for staff side search groups

aqbudgetperiods Table budget_period_description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

description assigned to this budget

serialitems Table itemnumber INT 10 null
tags_index Table biblionumber INT 10 null

the bib record this tag was used on (biblio.biblionumber)

matchpoint_components Table matchpoint_component_id INT 10 null
borrower_modifications Table B_streettype VARCHAR 50 null
sms_providers Table id INT 10 null
borrowers Table borrowernotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

a note on the patron/borrower's account that is only visible in the staff client

deleteditems Table enumchron MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

serial enumeration/chronology for the item (MARC21 952$h)

return_claims Table issue_id INT 10 null
marc_matchers Table code VARCHAR 10
account_offset_types Table type VARCHAR 16 null

The type of offset this is

borrowers Table altcontactfirstname VARCHAR 255 null

first name of alternate contact for the patron/borrower

printers_profile Table offset_horz FLOAT 12 0
language_descriptions Table lang VARCHAR 25 null
aqbooksellers Table name LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

vendor name

borrower_attribute_types Table category_code VARCHAR 10 null
borrower_relationships Table guarantor_id INT 10 null
subscription_frequencies Table unitsperissue INT 10 1
borrower_attributes Table id INT 10 null

Row id field

borrower_attributes Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the borrowers table, defines which patron/borrower has this attribute

marc_modification_templates Table template_id INT 10 null
issues Table renewals TINYINT 3 0

lists the number of times the item was renewed

auth_subfield_structure Table authtypecode VARCHAR 10
import_biblios Table isbn VARCHAR 30 null
marc_modification_template_actions Table template_id INT 10 null
aqbudgetperiods Table budget_period_startdate DATE 10 null

date when the budget starts

borrower_debarments Table created TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date the restriction was added

items Table itemlost BIT 0 0

authorized value defining this item as lost (MARC21 952$1)

aqorders Table order_internalnote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to this order line, made for staff

subscription Table graceperiod INT 10 0

grace period in days

printers_profile Table printer_name VARCHAR 40 Default Printer
quotes Table id INT 10 null

unique id for the quote

deletedbiblio Table subtitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

remainder of the title from the MARC record (245$b in MARC21)

repeatable_holidays Table id INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned by Koha

deletedborrowers Table borrowernumber INT 10 0

primary key, Koha assigned ID number for patrons/borrowers

auth_header Table modification_time TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
import_items Table import_error LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
deletedbiblioitems Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
illrequests Table biblio_id INT 10 null
branches Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

a unique key assigned to each branch

z3950servers Table sru_fields LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

contains the mapping between the Z3950 search fields and the specific SRU server indexes

marc_tag_structure Table ind1_defaultvalue VARCHAR 1
matchpoints Table matcher_id INT 10 null
borrower_modifications Table altcontactaddress2 VARCHAR 255 null
borrower_modifications Table B_streetnumber VARCHAR 10 null
patronimage Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

the borrowernumber of the patron this image is attached to (borrowers.borrowernumber)

borrower_modifications Table emailpro MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
aqinvoice_adjustments Table reason VARCHAR 80 null

reason for adjustment defined by authorised values in ADJ_REASON category

misc_files Table record_id INT 10 null

record id from the table this file is associated to

auth_subfield_structure Table authorised_value VARCHAR 10 null
subscription_numberpatterns Table whenmorethan2 INT 10 null
biblioitems Table pages VARCHAR 255 null

number of pages (MARC21 300$c)

subscription Table status VARCHAR 100
borrowers Table contactnote VARCHAR 255 null

a note related to the patron/borrower's alternate address

items Table onloan DATE 10 null

defines if item is checked out (NULL for not checked out, and due date for checked out)

housebound_role Table housebound_deliverer BIT 0 0

set to 1 to indicate this patron is a housebound deliverer volunteer

aqinvoices Table message_id INT 10 null

foreign key to edifact invoice message

auth_header Table authid BIGINT UNSIGNED 20 null
borrowers Table debarredcomment VARCHAR 255 null

comment on the stop of the patron

deletedborrowers Table altcontactphone VARCHAR 50 null

the phone number for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

branches Table branchip VARCHAR 15 null

the IP address for your library or branch

oai_sets_biblios Table set_id INT 10 null
aqbooksellers Table id INT 10 null

primary key and unique identifier assigned by Koha

marc_modification_template_actions Table conditional_field VARCHAR 3 null
housebound_role Table housebound_chooser BIT 0 0

set to 1 to indicate this patron is a housebound chooser volunteer

borrower_attributes Table attribute VARCHAR 255 null

custom patron field value

import_items Table import_items_id INT 10 null
suggestions Table rejecteddate DATE 10 null

date the suggestion was marked as rejected

import_auths Table control_number VARCHAR 25 null
old_reserves Table itemnumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the items table defining the specific item the patron has placed on hold or the item this hold was filled with

search_history Table type VARCHAR 16 biblio

search type, must be 'biblio' or 'authority'

currency Table rate FLOAT 15 null
borrower_password_recovery Table valid_until TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

a time limit on the password recovery attempt

zebraqueue Table done INT 10 0
collections Table colDesc MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
zebraqueue Table biblio_auth_number BIGINT UNSIGNED 20 0
subscriptionhistory Table subscriptionid INT 10 0
marc_modification_template_actions Table from_subfield VARCHAR 1 null
accountlines Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
zebraqueue Table time TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
saved_sql Table report_subgroup VARCHAR 80 null
patron_lists Table shared BIT 0 0
article_requests Table chapters MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
sms_providers Table domain VARCHAR 255 null
subscription Table startdate DATE 10 null

start date for this subscription

deletedborrowers Table login_attempts INT 10 0

number of failed login attemps

aqbooksellers Table fax VARCHAR 50 null

vendor fax number

pending_offline_operations Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
search_marc_to_field Table search BIT 0 1
search_marc_map Table marc_field VARCHAR 255 null

the MARC specifier for this field

deletedbiblioitems Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null

biblio level item type (MARC21 942$c)

deletedbiblio Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

title (without the subtitle) from the MARC record (245$a in MARC21)

uploaded_files Table permanent TINYINT 3 null
pending_offline_operations Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
categories Table reservefee DECIMAL 28 null

cost to place holds

api_keys Table client_id VARCHAR 191 null
items Table itemlost_on DATETIME 19 null

the date and time an item was last marked as lost, NULL if not lost

reserves Table biblionumber INT 10 0

foreign key from the biblio table defining which bib record this hold is on

categories Table bulk BIT 0 null
plugin_data Table plugin_class VARCHAR 255 null
accountlines Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

the branchcode of the library where a payment was made, a manual invoice created, etc.

reports_dictionary Table id INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned by Koha

authorised_values Table category VARCHAR 32

key used to identify the authorized value category

club_templates Table is_deletable BIT 0 1
aqbudgets Table budget_period_id INT 10 null

id of the budget that this fund belongs to (aqbudgetperiods.budget_period_id)

overduerules Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

foreign key from the branches table to define which branch this rule is for (if blank it's all libraries)

itemtypes Table processfee DECIMAL 28 null

default text be recorded in the column note when the processing fee is applied

branchtransfers Table frombranch VARCHAR 10

the branch the transfer is coming from

reports_dictionary Table name VARCHAR 255 null

name for this definition

items_search_fields Table tagfield CHAR 3 null
overduerules Table overduerules_id INT 10 null

unique identifier for the overduerules

printers_profile Table offset_vert FLOAT 12 0
oai_sets Table id INT 10 null
reports_dictionary Table saved_sql MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

SQL snippet for us in reports

deletedborrowers Table city LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the city or town for your patron/borrower's primary address

issues Table issue_id INT 10 null

primary key for issues table

auth_header Table origincode VARCHAR 20 null
branch_transfer_limits Table ccode VARCHAR 80 null
deletedborrowers Table state MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the state or province for your patron/borrower's primary address

auth_tag_structure Table authtypecode VARCHAR 10
aqbasket Table deliveryplace VARCHAR 10 null

basket delivery place

aqcontacts Table claimacquisition BIT 0 0

should this contact receive acquisitions claims

deletedborrowers Table altcontactaddress1 VARCHAR 255 null

the first address line for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

patron_list_patrons Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
overduerules Table debarred1 VARCHAR 1 0

is the patron restricted when the first notice is sent (1 for yes, 0 for no)

auth_header Table linkid BIGINT 19 null
import_records Table marcxml_old LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tmp_holdsqueue Table notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
deleteditems Table itemnotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

public notes on this item (MARC21 952$z)

aqorders Table rrp DECIMAL 13 null

the retail cost for this line item

course_items Table enabled enum('yes', 'no') 4 no

if at least one enabled course has this item on reseve, this field will be 'yes', otherwise it will be 'no'

subscription Table staffdisplaycount VARCHAR 10 null

how many issues to show to the staff

biblioitems Table url MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

url (MARC21 856$u)

illrequests Table notesopac MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
message_queue Table time_queued TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
import_batches Table nomatch_action enum('create_new', 'ignore') 11 create_new

how to handle records where no match is found

import_record_matches Table score INT 10 0

the match score

stockrotationitems Table indemand BIT 0 0

Should this item be skipped for rotation?

housebound_visit Table day_segment VARCHAR 10 null
currency Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
accountlines Table amount DECIMAL 28 null
illcomments Table illrequest_id BIGINT UNSIGNED 20 null
suggestions Table place VARCHAR 255 null

publication place of the suggested item

old_reserves Table notificationdate DATE 10 null

currently unused

subscription_numberpatterns Table whenmorethan3 INT 10 null
categories Table category_type VARCHAR 1 A

type of Koha patron (Adult, Child, Professional, Organizational, Statistical, Staff)

items Table copynumber VARCHAR 32 null

copy number (MARC21 952$t)

cash_registers Table branch_default BIT 0 0

boolean flag to denote that this till is the branch default

stockrotationstages Table duration INT 10 4

The number of days items shoud occupy this stage

deletedbiblioitems Table volumedesc MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

volume information (MARC21 362$a)

opac_news Table content MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the body of your news article

aqorders Table ecost_tax_excluded DECIMAL 28 null

the estimated cost excluding tax

branches Table branchreturnpath LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the email to be used as Return-Path

patron_list_patrons Table patron_list_patron_id INT 10 null

unique identifier

systempreferences Table type VARCHAR 20 null

type of question this preference asks (multiple choice, plain text, yes or no, etc)

oai_sets_biblios Table biblionumber INT 10 null
browser Table number BIGINT 19 null
aqorders Table orderstatus VARCHAR 16 new

the current status for this line item. Can be 'new', 'ordered', 'partial', 'complete' or 'cancelled'

search_field Table type enum('', 'string', 'date', 'number', 'boolean', 'sum', 'isbn', 'stdno') 7 null

what type of data this holds, relevant when storing it in the search engine

itemtypes Table checkinmsg VARCHAR 255 null

message that is displayed when an item with the given item type is checked in

subscription Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

default branches (items.homebranch)

deletedbiblio Table seriestitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
illcomments Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

Date and time when the comment was made

housebound_profile Table frequency MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

The Authorised_Value definining the pattern for delivery.

aqbudgetperiods Table budget_period_id INT 10 null

primary key and unique number assigned by Koha

message_transport_types Table message_transport_type VARCHAR 20 null
aqorders Table suppliers_reference_number VARCHAR 35 null

Suppliers unique edifact quote ref

reserves Table reservedate DATE 10 null

the date the hold was placed

virtualshelfshares Table invitekey VARCHAR 10 null

temporary string used in accepting the invitation to access thist list; not-empty means that the invitation has not been accepted yet

courses Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
deletedborrowers Table relationship VARCHAR 100 null

used for children to include the relationship to their guarantor

stockrotationstages Table stage_id INT 10 null
import_records Table upload_timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
aqbasket Table create_items enum('ordering', 'receiving', 'cataloguing') 11 null

when items should be created for orders in this basket

aqorders Table freight DECIMAL 28 null

shipping costs (not used)

creator_batches Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
items Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time this item was last altered

issuingrules Table accountsent INT 10 null

not used? always NULL

import_batches Table batch_type enum('batch', 'z3950', 'webservice') 10 batch

where this batch has come from

repeatable_holidays Table day SMALLINT 5 null

day of the month this closing is on

items Table withdrawn BIT 0 0

authorized value defining this item as withdrawn (MARC21 952$0)

auth_tag_structure Table repeatable TINYINT 3 0
categories Table enrolmentperiod SMALLINT 5 null

number of months the patron is enrolled for (will be NULL if enrolmentperioddate is set)

borrower_modifications Table date_renewed DATE 10 null
club_holds Table biblio_id INT 10 null

id for the bibliographic record the hold has been placed against

subscription_numberpatterns Table setto2 INT 10 null
article_requests Table volume MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
virtualshelfshares Table shelfnumber INT 10 null
deletedbiblioitems Table cn_suffix VARCHAR 10 null
issuingrules Table onshelfholds BIT 0 0

allow holds for items that are on shelf

circulation_rules Table rule_name VARCHAR 32 null
class_sources Table class_sort_rule VARCHAR 10
deleteditems Table barcode VARCHAR 20 null

item barcode (MARC21 952$p)

club_holds Table item_id INT 10 null

If item-level, the id for the item the hold has been placed agains

aqcontacts Table booksellerid INT 10 null
housebound_profile Table fav_itemtypes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

Free text describing preferred itemtypes.

ratings Table rating_value BIT 0 null

the rating, from 1 to 5

marc_modification_template_actions Table field_value VARCHAR 100 null
auth_header Table marc BLOB 65535 null
social_data Table num_videos INT 10 null
aqbudgetperiods Table budget_period_enddate DATE 10 null

date when the budget ends

printers_profile Table creep_vert FLOAT 12 0
borrowers Table zipcode VARCHAR 25 null

the zip or postal code for your patron/borrower's primary address

borrower_debarments Table type enum('SUSPENSION', 'OVERDUES', 'MANUAL', 'DISCHARGE') 11 MANUAL

type of restriction

suggestions Table price DECIMAL 28 null

suggested price

borrower_modifications Table B_address VARCHAR 100 null
special_holidays Table day SMALLINT 5 0

day of the month this closing is on

message_queue Table letter_code VARCHAR 64 null
items Table restricted BIT 0 null

authorized value defining use restrictions for this item (MARC21 952$5)

class_sources Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
alert Table borrowernumber INT 10 0
deletedbiblio Table serial BIT 0 null

Boolean indicating whether biblio is for a serial

items Table reserves SMALLINT 5 null

number of times this item has been placed on hold/reserved

creator_layouts Table text_justify CHAR 1 L
tags_approval Table approved INT 10 0

whether the tag is approved or not (1=yes, 0=pending, -1=rejected)

biblioitems Table number LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
transport_cost Table cost DECIMAL 6 null
deletedbiblio_metadata Table schema VARCHAR 16 null
itemtypes Table imageurl VARCHAR 200 null

URL for the item type icon

aqorders Table tax_rate_bak DECIMAL 6 null

the tax rate for this line item (%)

tmp_holdsqueue Table item_level_request TINYINT 3 0
borrower_attribute_types Table opac_display BIT 0 0

defines if this field is visible to patrons on their account in the OPAC (1 for yes, 0 for no)

z3950servers Table servertype enum('zed', 'sru') 4 zed

zed means z39.50 server

user_permissions Table code VARCHAR 64 null
zebraqueue Table operation CHAR 20
course_instructors Table course_id INT 10 null

foreign key to link to courses.course_id

deleteditems Table coded_location_qualifier VARCHAR 10 null

coded location qualifier(MARC21 952$f)

deletedborrowers Table opacnote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

a note on the patron/borrower's account that is visible in the OPAC and staff client

borrower_password_recovery Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

the user asking a password recovery

deletedbiblioitems Table url MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

url (MARC21 856$u)

subscription_frequencies Table displayorder INT 10 null
printers_profile Table creator CHAR 15 Labels
deletedborrowers Table debarred DATE 10 null

until this date the patron can only check-in (no loans, no holds, etc.), is a fine based on days instead of money (YYYY-MM-DD)

biblio Table frameworkcode VARCHAR 4

foreign key from the biblio_framework table to identify which framework was used in cataloging this record

pending_offline_operations Table userid VARCHAR 30 null
search_field Table name VARCHAR 255 null

the name of the field as it will be stored in the search engine

account_credit_types_branches Table credit_type_code VARCHAR 80 null
biblio Table seriestitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
subscription Table previousitemtype VARCHAR 10 null
subscriptionroutinglist Table ranking INT 10 null

where the patron stands in line to receive the serial

overduerules Table delay3 INT 10 null

number of days after the item is overdue that the third notice is sent

borrowers Table B_email MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the patron/borrower's alternate email address

deletedborrowers Table altcontactfirstname VARCHAR 255 null

first name of alternate contact for the patron/borrower

virtualshelfshares Table id INT 10 null
borrower_attribute_types_branches Table b_branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
permissions Table module_bit INT 10 0
deleteditems Table onloan DATE 10 null

defines if item is checked out (NULL for not checked out, and due date for checked out)

virtualshelfcontents Table dateadded TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time this bib record was added to the list

creator_templates Table template_desc CHAR 100 Default description
alert Table type VARCHAR 10
borrower_modifications Table borrowernotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
deletedborrowers Table B_address VARCHAR 100 null

the first address line for your patron/borrower's alternate address

subscription Table lastvalue2 INT 10 null
subscription Table serialsadditems BIT 0 0

does receiving this serial create an item record

import_batches Table import_batch_id INT 10 null

unique identifier and primary key

edifact_messages Table deleted BIT 0 0
authorised_values_branches Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
creator_layouts Table units CHAR 20 POINT
categories Table default_privacy enum('default', 'never', 'forever') 8 default

Default privacy setting for this patron category

issuingrules Table norenewalbefore INT 10 null

no renewal allowed until X days or hours before due date.

issues Table notedate DATETIME 19 null

datetime of issue note (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm::ss)

accountlines Table credit_type_code VARCHAR 80 null
auth_subfield_structure Table frameworkcode VARCHAR 10
vendor_edi_accounts Table orders_enabled BIT 0 0
club_holds Table id INT 10 null
subscription Table manualhistory BIT 0 0

yes or no to managing the history manually

creator_templates Table label_width FLOAT 12 0
borrower_message_transport_preferences Table message_transport_type VARCHAR 20 0
borrower_modifications Table dateofbirth DATE 10 null
aqbasketusers Table basketno INT 10 null
issuingrules Table auto_renew BIT 0 0

automatic renewal

discharges Table borrower INT 10 null
message_queue Table metadata MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
marc_subfield_structure Table seealso VARCHAR 1100 null
letter Table module VARCHAR 20

Koha module that triggers this notice or slip

pending_offline_operations Table amount DECIMAL 28 null
deletedbiblioitems Table cn_sort VARCHAR 255 null

normalized version of the call number used for sorting

borrower_message_preferences Table message_attribute_id INT 10 0
article_requests Table author MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
subscription_numberpatterns Table every3 INT 10 null
authorised_values Table id INT 10 null

unique key, used to identify the authorized value

hold_fill_targets Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
course_reserves Table public_note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

public, OPAC visible note

browser Table classification VARCHAR 20 null
deletedborrowers Table streetnumber VARCHAR 10 null

the house number for your patron/borrower's primary address

subscription Table periodicity INT 10 null

frequency type links to

borrower_modifications Table flags INT 10 null
items Table more_subfields_xml LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

additional 952 subfields in XML format

borrower_modifications Table altcontactzipcode VARCHAR 50 null
import_batches Table matcher_id INT 10 null

the id of the match rule used (matchpoints.matcher_id)

tmp_holdsqueue Table reservedate DATE 10 null
biblio_metadata Table biblionumber INT 10 null
authorised_values_branches Table av_id INT 10 null
borrowers Table updated_on TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

time of last change could be useful for synchronization with external systems (among others)

deletedbiblio Table author LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

statement of responsibility from MARC record (100$a in MARC21)

auth_subfield_structure Table defaultvalue MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
suggestions Table suggestedby INT 10 null

borrowernumber for the person making the suggestion, foreign key linking to the borrowers table

club_enrollment_fields Table club_enrollment_id INT 10 null
course_items Table itemnumber INT 10 null

items.itemnumber for the item on reserve

import_items Table import_record_id INT 10 null
borrowers Table streetnumber VARCHAR 10 null

the house number for your patron/borrower's primary address

misc_files Table date_uploaded TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time the file was added

branches Table branchurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the URL for your library or branch's website

borrower_modifications Table password VARCHAR 30 null
clubs Table id INT 10 null
cash_registers Table branch VARCHAR 10 null

the foreign key the library this account register belongs

deletedborrowers Table date_renewed DATE 10 null

date the patron/borrower's card was last renewed

matchpoint_component_norms Table norm_routine VARCHAR 50
borrower_modifications Table B_phone LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
issuingrules Table hardduedate DATE 10 null

hard due date

z3950servers Table checked SMALLINT 5 null

whether this target is checked by default (1 for yes, 0 for no)

account_debit_types Table code VARCHAR 80 null
deleteditems Table datelastborrowed DATE 10 null

the date the item was last checked out

opac_news Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

branch code users to create branch specific news, NULL is every branch.

serial Table claimdate DATE 10 null

date claimed

import_records Table marcxml LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
pending_offline_operations Table action VARCHAR 10 null
branch_transfer_limits Table fromBranch VARCHAR 10 null
club_enrollments Table id INT 10 null
creator_batches Table borrower_number INT 10 null
club_templates Table is_enrollable_from_opac BIT 0 0
borrowers Table initials MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

initials for your patron/borrower

search_history Table total INT 10 null

the total of results found

subscription Table aqbudgetid INT 10 0
creator_batches Table label_id INT 10 null
aqbooksellers Table address1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

first line of vendor physical address

aqcontacts Table orderacquisition BIT 0 0

should this contact receive acquisition orders

items_search_fields Table tagsubfield CHAR 1 null
borrowers Table categorycode VARCHAR 10

foreign key from the categories table, includes the code of the patron category

deletedbiblio_metadata Table biblionumber INT 10 null
deletedbiblioitems Table biblionumber INT 10 0

foreign key linking this table to the biblio table

issuingrules Table no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit DATE 10 null

no auto renewal allowed after a given date

misc_files Table file_description VARCHAR 255 null

description given to the file

z3950servers Table add_xslt LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

zero or more paths to XSLT files to be processed on the search results

aqinvoice_adjustments Table adjustment_id INT 10 null

primary key for adjustments

matchpoint_components Table matchpoint_id INT 10 null
authorised_values Table lib_opac VARCHAR 200 null

authorized value description as printed in the OPAC

repeatable_holidays Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

description for this closing

deletedborrowers Table contactfirstname MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

used for children to include first name of guarantor

borrower_attribute_types Table repeatable BIT 0 0

defines whether one patron/borrower can have multiple values for this custom field (1 for yes, 0 for no)

deletedborrowers Table zipcode VARCHAR 25 null

the zip or postal code for your patron/borrower's primary address

deletedborrowers Table contacttitle MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

used for children to include title (Mr., Mrs., etc) of guarantor

borrower_modifications Table surname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
clubs Table date_updated TIMESTAMP 19 null
borrower_message_preferences Table categorycode VARCHAR 10 null
import_records Table record_type enum('biblio', 'auth', 'holdings') 8 biblio
oai_sets_mappings Table marcfield CHAR 3 null
language_script_bidi Table rfc4646_subtag VARCHAR 25 null

script subtag, Arab, Hebr, etc.

matchpoint_component_norms Table sequence INT 10 0
article_requests Table created_on TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
issuingrules Table holds_per_record SMALLINT 5 1

How many holds a patron can have on a given bib

club_template_enrollment_fields Table id INT 10 null
club_holds_to_patron_holds Table patron_id INT 10 null
aqbooksellers Table deliverytime INT 10 null

vendor delivery time

borrowers Table debarred DATE 10 null

until this date the patron can only check-in (no loans, no holds, etc.), is a fine based on days instead of money (YYYY-MM-DD)

suggestions Table publicationyear SMALLINT 5 0
uploaded_files Table dtcreated TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
matcher_matchpoints Table matchpoint_id INT 10 null
aqbudgetperiods Table sort2_authcat VARCHAR 10 null

second statistical category for this budget

borrower_modifications Table city LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
statistics Table other LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

used by SIP

virtualshelfshares Table sharedate DATETIME 19 null
aqbooksellers Table active TINYINT 3 null

is this vendor active (1 for yes, 0 for no)

z3950servers Table password VARCHAR 255 null

password needed to log in to target

tmp_holdsqueue Table itemcallnumber VARCHAR 255 null
special_holidays Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

description of this closing

auth_tag_structure Table tagfield VARCHAR 3
branches Table geolocation VARCHAR 255 null

geolocation of your library

import_batches Table file_name VARCHAR 100 null

the name of the file uploaded

subscription Table cost INT 10 0
old_issues Table auto_renew_error VARCHAR 32 null

automatic renewal error

virtualshelves Table created_on DATETIME 19 null

creation time

borrower_message_preferences Table days_in_advance INT 10 0
issuingrules Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

the branch this rule is for (branches.branchcode)

deletedbiblioitems Table notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
systempreferences Table variable VARCHAR 50

system preference name

biblio_metadata Table metadata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
edifact_messages Table filename MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
reserves Table expirationdate DATE 10 null

the date the hold expires (usually the date entered by the patron to say they don't need the hold after a certain date)

creator_batches Table creator CHAR 15 Labels
deleteditems Table stack BIT 0 null
systempreferences Table options LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

options for multiple choice system preferences

return_claims Table updated_by INT 10 null
aqbooksellers Table phone VARCHAR 30 null

vendor phone number

misc_files Table file_id INT 10 null

unique id for the file record

branches Table marcorgcode VARCHAR 16 null

MARC Organization Code, see, when empty defaults to syspref MARCOrgCode

saved_sql Table date_created DATETIME 19 null

the date this report was created

borrower_modifications Table opacnote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
patron_consent Table id INT 10 null
class_sort_rules Table class_sort_rule VARCHAR 10
stockrotationrotas Table cyclical BIT 0 0

Should items on this rota keep cycling?

housebound_profile Table day MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
edifact_ean Table ean VARCHAR 15 null
club_holds_to_patron_holds Table club_hold_id INT 10 null
borrowers Table sex VARCHAR 1 null

patron/borrower's gender

serial Table claims_count INT 10 0

number of claims made related to this issue

messages Table message_type VARCHAR 1 null

whether the message is for the librarians (L) or the patron (B)

deletedborrowers Table othernames LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

any other names associated with the patron/borrower

borrower_modifications Table userid VARCHAR 75 null
ratings Table biblionumber INT 10 null

the biblio this rating is for (biblio.biblionumber)

deleteditems Table itype VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the itemtypes table defining the type for this item (MARC21 952$y)

deletedbiblio Table unititle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

uniform title (without the subtitle) from the MARC record (240$a in MARC21)

housebound_visit Table chooser_brwnumber INT 10 null

Number of the borrower to choose items for delivery.

creator_templates Table creator CHAR 15 Labels
special_holidays Table isexception SMALLINT 5 1

is this a holiday exception to a repeatable holiday (1 for yes, 0 for no)

language_rfc4646_to_iso639 Table iso639_2_code VARCHAR 25 null
statistics Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the itemtypes table, links transaction to a specific item type

illrequests Table updated TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
account_offsets Table amount DECIMAL 26 null

The amount of the change

reports_dictionary Table report_area VARCHAR 6 null

Koha module this definition is for Circulation, Catalog, Patrons, Acquistions, Accounts)

old_issues Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key, linking this to the borrowers table for the patron this item was checked out to

deleteditems Table renewals SMALLINT 5 null

number of times this item has been renewed

language_descriptions Table subtag VARCHAR 25 null
virtualshelfcontents Table flags INT 10 null
borrower_modifications Table changed_fields MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
saved_sql Table report_name VARCHAR 255

the name of this report

deletedborrowers Table address LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the first address line for your patron/borrower's primary address

branches Table branchcity LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the city or province for your library or branch

aqbudgets_planning Table display BIT 0 1
creator_templates Table row_gap FLOAT 12 0
deletedborrowers Table B_email MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the patron/borrower's alternate email address

borrowers Table altcontactaddress3 VARCHAR 255 null

the city for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

pending_offline_operations Table cardnumber VARCHAR 32 null
deleteditems Table price DECIMAL 8 null

purchase price (MARC21 952$g)

suggestions Table isbn VARCHAR 30 null

isbn of the suggested item

creator_templates Table profile_id INT 10 null
overduerules Table letter2 VARCHAR 20 null

foreign key from the letter table to define which notice should be sent as the second notice

overduerules_transport_types Table message_transport_type VARCHAR 20 email
return_claims Table itemnumber INT 10 null
issuingrules Table overduefinescap DECIMAL 28 null

the maximum amount of an overdue fine

subscription_numberpatterns Table setto3 INT 10 null
cash_registers Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the user friendly description for each account register

article_requests Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
items Table damaged_on DATETIME 19 null

the date and time an item was last marked as damaged, NULL if not damaged

deletedbiblioitems Table number LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
aqbasket Table booksellerid INT 10 1

the Koha assigned ID for the vendor (

creator_layouts Table format_string VARCHAR 210 barcode
marc_modification_template_actions Table from_field VARCHAR 3 null
items Table itemnotes_nonpublic LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

non-public notes on this item (MARC21 952$x)

creator_images Table imagefile MEDIUMBLOB 16777215 null
old_issues Table returndate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was returned

systempreferences Table explanation MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

descriptive text for the system preference

matchchecks Table matcher_id INT 10 null
special_holidays Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

foreign key from the branches table, defines which branch this closing is for

auth_tag_structure Table mandatory TINYINT 3 0
saved_sql Table cache_expiry INT 10 300
deletedborrowers Table phonepro MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the secondary phone number for your patron/borrower's primary address

old_reserves Table reservedate DATE 10 null

the date the hold was places

deleteditems Table permanent_location VARCHAR 80 null

linked to the CART and PROC temporary locations feature, stores the permanent shelving location

deletedborrowers Table country MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the country for your patron/borrower's primary address

patronimage Table mimetype VARCHAR 15 null

the format of the image (png, jpg, etc)

z3950servers Table port INT 10 null

port number used to connect to target

illrequests Table completed DATE 10 null
aqorders Table datecancellationprinted DATE 10 null

the date the line item was deleted

subscription Table mana_id INT 10 null
search_history Table userid INT 10 null

the patron who performed the search (borrowers.borrowernumber)

items Table price DECIMAL 8 null

purchase price (MARC21 952$g)

aqbooksellers Table gstreg TINYINT 3 null

is your library charged tax (1 for yes, 0 for no)

deleteditems Table withdrawn BIT 0 0

authorized value defining this item as withdrawn (MARC21 952$0)

creator_layouts Table font_size INT 10 10
deletedborrowers Table privacy_guarantor_fines BIT 0 0

controls if relatives can see this patron's fines

biblioimages Table imagenumber INT 10 null

unique identifier for the image

borrower_modifications Table email LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
branches Table branchname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the name of your library or branch

borrowers Table othernames LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

any other names associated with the patron/borrower

items Table itype VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the itemtypes table defining the type for this item (MARC21 952$y)

language_script_mapping Table script_subtag VARCHAR 25 null
aqorders Table quantity SMALLINT 5 null

the quantity ordered

article_requests Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
edifact_ean Table id_code_qualifier VARCHAR 3 14
borrowers Table mobile VARCHAR 50 null

the other phone number for your patron/borrower's primary address

reviews Table biblionumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the biblio table defining which bibliographic record this comment is for

itemtypes Table checkinmsgtype CHAR 16 message

type (CSS class) for the checkinmsg, can be "alert" or "message"

deletedborrowers Table B_streettype VARCHAR 50 null

the street type (Rd., Blvd, etc) for your patron/borrower's alternate address

aqcontacts Table fax VARCHAR 100 null
social_data Table score_avg DECIMAL 5 null
deletedborrowers Table debarredcomment VARCHAR 255 null

comment on the stop of patron

subscription Table opacdisplaycount VARCHAR 10 null

how many issues to show to the public

subscription_numberpatterns Table id INT 10 null
marc_modification_template_actions Table conditional enum('if', 'unless') 6 null
biblioitems Table size VARCHAR 255 null

material size (MARC21 300$c)

items Table paidfor LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
borrower_attribute_types Table description VARCHAR 255 null

description for each custom field

subscription Table internalnotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
hold_fill_targets Table biblionumber INT 10 null
hold_fill_targets Table item_level_request TINYINT 3 0
tmp_holdsqueue Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
hold_fill_targets Table source_branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
issuingrules Table opacitemholds CHAR 1 N

allow opac users to place specific items on hold

aqbudgetperiods Table sort1_authcat VARCHAR 10 null

statistical category for this budget

deleteditems Table homebranch VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the branches table for the library that owns this item (MARC21 952$a)

marc_tag_structure Table libopac VARCHAR 255
aqorders Table invoiceid INT 10 null

id of invoice

cities Table city_name VARCHAR 100

name of the city

search_history Table id INT 10 null

search history id

biblioitems Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
aqbasket Table authorisedby VARCHAR 10 null

the borrowernumber of the person who created the basket

biblio Table copyrightdate SMALLINT 5 null

publication or copyright date from the MARC record

old_reserves Table suspend_until DATETIME 19 null

the date this hold is suspended until (NULL for infinitely)

borrower_modifications Table dateexpiry DATE 10 null
old_reserves Table found VARCHAR 1 null

a one letter code defining what the status is of the hold is after it has been confirmed

collections_tracking Table collections_tracking_id INT 10 null
auth_subfield_structure Table isurl BIT 0 null
deletedborrowers Table B_zipcode VARCHAR 25 null

the zip or postal code for your patron/borrower's alternate address

circulation_rules Table categorycode VARCHAR 10 null
biblioitems Table editionresponsibility MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
subscription_frequencies Table id INT 10 null
issues Table auto_renew BIT 0 0

automatic renewal

deletedbiblioitems Table cn_item VARCHAR 10 null
export_format Table profile VARCHAR 255 null
deleteditems Table location VARCHAR 80 null

authorized value for the shelving location for this item (MARC21 952$c)

club_templates Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
deletedborrowers Table B_phone LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the patron/borrower's alternate phone number

statistics Table datetime DATETIME 19 null

date and time of the transaction

reserves Table lowestPriority BIT 0 0
library_groups Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

The branchcode of a branch belonging to the parent group

stockrotationrotas Table rota_id INT 10 null
deletedbiblioitems Table collectionissn MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
import_records Table import_error LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
edifact_messages Table raw_msg LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
search_marc_to_field Table facet BIT 0 0

true if a facet field should be generated for this

clubs Table club_template_id INT 10 null
issuingrules Table restrictedtype BIT 0 null

not used? always NULL

cities Table city_zipcode VARCHAR 20 null

zip or postal code

additional_field_values Table field_id INT 10 null

foreign key references additional_fields(id)

items Table holdingbranch VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the branches table for the library that is currently in possession item (MARC21 952$b)

aqorders Table uncertainprice BIT 0 null

was this price uncertain (1 for yes, 0 for no)

edifact_messages Table vendor_id INT 10 null
oauth_access_tokens Table expires INT 10 null
aqcontract Table contractdescription LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
itemtypes Table searchcategory VARCHAR 80 null

Group this item type with others with the same value on OPAC search options

branches Table pickup_location BIT 0 1

the ability to act as a pickup location

aqbooksellers Table currency VARCHAR 10

unused in Koha

items Table homebranch VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the branches table for the library that owns this item (MARC21 952$a)

reserves Table waitingdate DATE 10 null

the date the item was marked as waiting for the patron at the library

biblio Table author LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

statement of responsibility from MARC record (100$a in MARC21)

aqbooksellers Table bookselleremail LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

vendor email

subscription_numberpatterns Table label VARCHAR 255 null
z3950servers Table syntax VARCHAR 80 null

marc format provided by this target

borrowers Table city LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the city or town for your patron/borrower's primary address

borrowers Table altcontactsurname VARCHAR 255 null

surname or last name of the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

subscription_numberpatterns Table label1 VARCHAR 255 null
issues Table itemnumber INT 10 null

foreign key, linking this to the items table for the item that was checked out

auth_subfield_structure Table liblibrarian VARCHAR 255
borrowers Table relationship VARCHAR 100 null

used for children to include the relationship to their guarantor

deletedbiblioitems Table volume LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
sms_providers Table name VARCHAR 255 null
borrower_modifications Table contacttitle MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
borrowers Table cardnumber VARCHAR 32 null

unique key, library assigned ID number for patrons/borrowers

patron_consent Table type enum('GDPR_PROCESSING') 16 null

allows for future extension

aqorders_items Table ordernumber INT 10 null

the order this item is attached to (aqorders.ordernumber)

statistics Table value DOUBLE 16 null

monetary value associated with the transaction

borrower_files Table file_name VARCHAR 255 null

file name

club_template_enrollment_fields Table club_template_id INT 10 null
deletedborrowers Table altcontactstate MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the state for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

additional_fields Table searchable BIT 0 0

is the field searchable?

matchchecks Table matchcheck_id INT 10 null
oai_sets Table spec VARCHAR 80 null
language_rfc4646_to_iso639 Table rfc4646_subtag VARCHAR 25 null
creator_batches Table branch_code VARCHAR 10 NB
items Table cn_source VARCHAR 10 null

classification source used on this item (MARC21 952$2)

account_offsets Table created_on TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
userflags Table defaulton INT 10 null
club_holds_to_patron_holds Table hold_id INT 10 null
message_transports Table message_transport_type VARCHAR 20 null
message_attributes Table takes_days BIT 0 0
statistics Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the borrowers table, links transaction to a specific borrower

club_templates Table date_updated TIMESTAMP 19 null
reserves Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the branches table defining which branch the patron wishes to pick this hold up at

itemtypes Table defaultreplacecost DECIMAL 28 null

default replacement cost

deletedbiblioitems Table cn_source VARCHAR 10 null

classification source (MARC21 942$2)

aqbooksellers Table othersupplier LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
collections Table colTitle VARCHAR 100
courses Table public_note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the text of the public / opac note

patron_consent Table refused_on DATETIME 19 null
biblioitems Table volumedate DATE 10 null
subscriptionhistory Table biblionumber INT 10 0
account_debit_types Table can_be_added_manually TINYINT 3 1
saved_sql Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

the staff member who created this report (borrowers.borrowernumber)

suggestions Table suggesteddate DATE 10 null

date the suggestion was submitted

return_claims Table resolved_by INT 10 null
ratings Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
return_claims Table created_on TIMESTAMP 19 null
deletedborrowers Table B_city LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the city or town for your patron/borrower's alternate address

plugin_data Table plugin_key VARCHAR 255 null
branches Table opac_info MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

HTML that displays in OPAC

subscription Table aqbooksellerid INT 10 0

foreign key for to link to the vendor

old_issues Table onsite_checkout INT 10 0

in house use flag

suggestions Table title VARCHAR 255 null

title of the suggested item

borrower_files Table file_id INT 10 null

unique key

deletedbiblioitems Table publicationyear MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
vendor_edi_accounts Table username VARCHAR 40 null
auth_subfield_structure Table tab BIT 0 null
subscription_numberpatterns Table numbering1 VARCHAR 255 null
import_records Table record_sequence INT 10 0
biblio Table medium LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

medium from the MARC record (245$h in MARC21)

marc_modification_template_actions Table to_field VARCHAR 3 null
aqbasketgroups Table booksellerid INT 10 null
accountlines Table accountlines_id INT 10 null
audio_alerts Table precedence SMALLINT UNSIGNED 5 null
issuingrules Table chargeperiod_charge_at BIT 0 0

Should fine be given at the start ( 1 ) or the end ( 0 ) of the period

subscription Table numberpattern INT 10 null

the numbering pattern used links to

printers Table printtype VARCHAR 20 null
saved_reports Table id INT 10 null
additional_fields Table marcfield VARCHAR 16

contains the marc field to copied into the record

borrowers Table checkprevcheckout VARCHAR 7 inherit

produce a warning for this patron if this item has previously been checked out to this patron if 'yes', not if 'no', defer to category setting if 'inherit'.

import_record_matches Table candidate_match_id INT 10 null

the biblio the imported record matches (biblio.biblionumber)

biblio Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time this record was last touched

aqbasketusers Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
borrowers Table dateenrolled DATE 10 null

date the patron was added to Koha (YYYY-MM-DD)

deletedborrowers Table contactname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

used for children and profesionals to include surname or last name of guarantor or organization name

vendor_edi_accounts Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
accountlines Table itemnumber INT 10 null
marc_modification_template_actions Table conditional_regex BIT 0 0
uploaded_files Table hashvalue CHAR 40 null
article_requests Table title MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
borrowers Table dateofbirth DATE 10 null

the patron/borrower's date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)

biblio Table part_name LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

part name from the MARC record (245$p in MARC21)

old_reserves Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null

If record level hold, the optional itemtype of the item the patron is requesting

overduerules Table categorycode VARCHAR 10

foreign key from the categories table to define which patron category this rule is for

suggestions Table volumedesc VARCHAR 255 null
club_enrollments Table date_canceled TIMESTAMP 19 null
creator_layouts Table layout_id INT 10 null
borrowers Table address LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the first address line for your patron/borrower's primary address

borrower_modifications Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
transport_cost Table frombranch VARCHAR 10 null
api_keys Table description VARCHAR 255 null
vendor_edi_accounts Table upload_directory MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
library_groups Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
deletedborrowers Table sort2 VARCHAR 80 null

a field that can be used for any information unique to the library

aqbudgets Table budget_permission INT 10 0

level of permission for this fund (used only by the owner, only by the library, or anyone)

auth_subfield_structure Table kohafield VARCHAR 45
borrower_modifications Table cardnumber VARCHAR 32 null
oai_sets_descriptions Table description VARCHAR 255 null
borrower_message_preferences Table wants_digest BIT 0 0
messages Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key linking this message to the borrowers table

virtualshelves Table category VARCHAR 1 null

type of list (private 1, public 2)

club_template_fields Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
matchchecks Table source_matchpoint_id INT 10 null
opac_news Table lang VARCHAR 25

location for the article (koha is the staff client, slip is the circulation receipt and language codes are for the opac)

aqinvoice_adjustments Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

timestamp of last adjustment to adjustment

items_last_borrower Table created_on TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
vendor_edi_accounts Table quotes_enabled BIT 0 0
transport_cost Table tobranch VARCHAR 10 null
printers_profile Table paper_bin VARCHAR 20 Bypass
borrowers Table sort2 VARCHAR 80 null

a field that can be used for any information unique to the library

illrequests Table cost VARCHAR 20 null
aqorders Table line_item_id VARCHAR 35 null

Supplier's article id for Edifact orderline

borrowers Table altcontactphone VARCHAR 50 null

the phone number for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

borrower_modifications Table altcontactaddress3 VARCHAR 255 null
suggestions Table author VARCHAR 80 null

author of the suggested item

discharges Table discharge_id INT 10 null
deletedbiblioitems Table editionresponsibility MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
aqcontacts Table name VARCHAR 100 null

name of contact at vendor

import_records Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
issues Table issuedate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was checked out or issued

import_biblios Table author VARCHAR 80 null
creator_templates Table page_width FLOAT 12 0
linktracker Table timeclicked DATETIME 19 null

the date and time the link was clicked

item_circulation_alert_preferences Table id INT 10 null
creator_layouts Table barcode_type CHAR 100 CODE39
illrequestattributes Table type VARCHAR 200 null
social_data Table isbn VARCHAR 30
additional_fields Table tablename VARCHAR 255

tablename of the new field

creator_templates Table left_margin FLOAT 12 0
vendor_edi_accounts Table last_activity DATE 10 null
itemtypes_branches Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null
search_marc_map Table index_name enum('biblios', 'authorities') 11 null

what storage index this map is for

additional_fields Table authorised_value_category VARCHAR 16

is an authorised value category

borrower_modifications Table gonenoaddress BIT 0 null
categories Table enrolmentperioddate DATE 10 null

date the patron is enrolled until (will be NULL if enrolmentperiod is set)

serial Table serialid INT 10 null

unique key for the issue

biblio Table notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

values from the general notes field in the MARC record (500$a in MARC21) split by bar (|)

repeatable_holidays Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

foreign key from the branches table, defines which branch this closing is for

marc_tag_structure Table authorised_value VARCHAR 10 null
opac_news Table title VARCHAR 250

title of the news article

deleteditems Table issues SMALLINT 5 null

number of times this item has been checked out

tags_index Table term VARCHAR 191 null

the tag

stockrotationstages Table rota_id INT 10 null
deleteditems Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time this item was last altered

auth_header Table authtypecode VARCHAR 10
marc_subfield_structure Table hidden BIT 0 8
suggestions Table rejectedby INT 10 null

borrowernumber for the librarian who rejected the suggestion, foreign key linking to the borrowers table

sessions Table a_session LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
vendor_edi_accounts Table auto_orders BIT 0 0
club_holds Table date_created TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

Timestamp for the placed hold

accountlines Table date DATE 10 null
borrowers Table B_address2 MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the second address line for your patron/borrower's alternate address

borrower_modifications Table contactnote VARCHAR 255 null
branches Table branchstate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the state for your library or branch

deletedbiblioitems Table biblioitemnumber INT 10 0

primary key, unique identifier assigned by Koha

auth_header Table authtrees LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
audio_alerts Table selector VARCHAR 255 null
search_marc_to_field Table sort BIT 0 null

true/false creates special sort handling, null doesn't

items_last_borrower Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
old_reserves Table lowestPriority BIT 0 0

has this hold been pinned to the lowest priority in the holds queue (1 for yes, 0 for no)

deletedborrowers Table B_streetnumber VARCHAR 10 null

the house number for your patron/borrower's alternate address

subscription Table distributedto MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
article_requests Table updated_on TIMESTAMP 19 null
biblio_metadata Table format VARCHAR 16 null
borrower_attributes Table code VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the borrower_attribute_types table, defines which custom field this value was entered for

export_format Table encoding VARCHAR 255 utf8
class_sources Table cn_source VARCHAR 10
course_reserves Table course_id INT 10 null

foreign key to link to courses.course_id

marc_modification_template_actions Table mmta_id INT 10 null
aqbasket Table booksellernote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the vendor note added at basket creation

currency Table isocode VARCHAR 5 null
borrower_modifications Table lost BIT 0 null
courses Table section VARCHAR 255 null

the 'section' of a course

items_last_borrower Table itemnumber INT 10 null
issuingrules Table issuelength INT 10 null

length of checkout in the unit set in issuingrules.lengthunit

categories_branches Table categorycode VARCHAR 10 null
message_queue Table message_transport_type VARCHAR 20 null
items_search_fields Table authorised_values_category VARCHAR 32 null
misc_files Table file_type VARCHAR 255 null

MIME type of the file

search_marc_map Table marc_type enum('marc21', 'unimarc', 'normarc') 7 null

what MARC type this map is for

issuingrules Table firstremind INT 10 null

fine grace period

serial Table publisheddatetext VARCHAR 100 null

date published (descriptive)

aqbasket Table basketname VARCHAR 50 null

name given to the basket at creation

old_reserves Table suspend BIT 0 0

in this hold suspended (1 for yes, 0 for no)

illrequests Table medium VARCHAR 30 null
marc_subfield_structure Table libopac VARCHAR 255
itemtypes_branches Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
subscriptionroutinglist Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the borrowers table, defines with patron is on the routing list

deletedbiblioitems Table ean LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
userflags Table bit INT 10 0
biblioitems Table place VARCHAR 255 null

publication place (MARC21 260$a)

circulation_rules Table rule_value VARCHAR 32 null
creator_templates Table page_height FLOAT 12 0
aqbudgets Table budget_notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to this fund

categories_branches Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
aqinvoices Table invoicenumber LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
cities Table cityid INT 10 null

unique identifier added by Koha

deleteditems Table biblionumber INT 10 0

foreign key from biblio table used to link this item to the right bib record

quotes Table timestamp DATETIME 19 null

date and time that the quote last appeared in the opac

accountlines Table note MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
messages Table message_id INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned by Koha

overduerules Table debarred3 INT 10 0

is the patron restricted when the third notice is sent (1 for yes, 0 for no)

deletedborrowers Table branchcode VARCHAR 10

foreign key from the branches table, includes the code of the patron/borrower's home branch

categories Table checkprevcheckout VARCHAR 7 inherit

produce a warning for this patron category if this item has previously been checked out to this patron if 'yes', not if 'no', defer to syspref setting if 'inherit'.

subscription Table librarian VARCHAR 100

the librarian's username from borrowers.userid

borrower_modifications Table sort1 VARCHAR 80 null
oauth_access_tokens Table client_id VARCHAR 191 null

the client id the access token belongs to

borrowers Table firstname MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

patron/borrower's first name

zebraqueue Table server CHAR 20
deletedbiblio Table frameworkcode VARCHAR 4

foriegn key from the biblio_framework table to identify which framework was used in cataloging this record

oai_sets Table name VARCHAR 80 null
aqinvoices Table billingdate DATE 10 null
marc_matchers Table description VARCHAR 255
oai_sets_descriptions Table set_id INT 10 null
deleteditems Table holdingbranch VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the branches table for the library that is currently in possession item (MARC21 952$b)

virtualshelves Table lastmodified TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time the list was last modified

cash_registers Table name VARCHAR 24 null

the user friendly identifier for each account register

saved_sql Table public BIT 0 0
biblio_metadata Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
borrower_debarments Table expiration DATE 10 null

expiration date of the restriction

marc_subfield_structure Table kohafield VARCHAR 40 null
borrower_attribute_types Table display_checkout BIT 0 0
letter Table message_transport_type VARCHAR 20 email

transport type for this notice

club_enrollments Table club_id INT 10 null
borrower_modifications Table state MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
marc_subfield_structure Table maxlength INT 10 9999
borrowers Table B_phone LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the patron/borrower's alternate phone number

aqinvoices Table shipmentcost DECIMAL 28 null
aqinvoice_adjustments Table budget_id INT 10 null

optional link to budget to apply adjustment to

aqorders Table tax_value_bak DECIMAL 28 null

the tax value for this line item

borrower_password_recovery Table uuid VARCHAR 128 null

a unique string to identify a password recovery attempt

biblioitems Table publishercode VARCHAR 255 null

publisher (MARC21 260$b)

aqbudgets_planning Table authcat VARCHAR 30 null
items Table cn_sort VARCHAR 255 null
edifact_ean Table description VARCHAR 128 null
aqorders Table ordernumber INT 10 null

primary key and unique identifier assigned by Koha to each line

aqcontacts Table phone VARCHAR 100 null

contact's phone number

borrower_modifications Table streetnumber VARCHAR 10 null
edifact_ean Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
biblio Table datecreated DATE 10 null

the date this record was added to Koha

aqbasket Table booksellerinvoicenumber LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

appears to always be NULL

aqorders Table budgetdate DATE 10 null

not used? always NULL

matchpoint_components Table sequence INT 10 0
creator_templates Table label_height FLOAT 12 0
borrower_modifications Table privacy INT 10 null
subscription Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null
message_transports Table is_digest BIT 0 0
borrowers Table fax LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the fax number for your patron/borrower's primary address

aqbooksellers Table notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

order notes

creator_layouts Table creator CHAR 15 Labels
auth_tag_structure Table authorised_value VARCHAR 10 null
vendor_edi_accounts Table invoices_enabled BIT 0 0
marc_tag_structure Table ind2_defaultvalue VARCHAR 1
oai_sets_mappings Table set_id INT 10 null
aqinvoices Table booksellerid INT 10 null
biblioimages Table biblionumber INT 10 null

foreign key from biblio table to link to biblionumber

marc_modification_template_actions Table field_number SMALLINT 5 0
aqinvoice_adjustments Table adjustment DECIMAL 28 null

amount of adjustment

borrowers Table overdrive_auth_token MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

persist OverDrive auth token

borrowers Table opacnote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

a note on the patron/borrower's account that is visible in the OPAC and staff client

illrequests Table status VARCHAR 50 null
old_reserves Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key from the branches table defining which branch the patron wishes to pick this hold up at

club_fields Table club_template_field_id INT 10 null
illrequests Table backend VARCHAR 20 null
aqbasketgroups Table id INT 10 null
serialitems Table serialid INT 10 null
items Table biblioitemnumber INT 10 0

foreign key from the biblioitems table to link to item to additional information

reserves Table borrowernumber INT 10 0

foreign key from the borrowers table defining which patron this hold is for

marc_subfield_structure Table authtypecode VARCHAR 20 null
borrowers Table state MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the state or province for your patron/borrower's primary address

borrower_modifications Table smsalertnumber VARCHAR 50 null
printers Table printername VARCHAR 40
items Table enumchron MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

serial enumeration/chronology for the item (MARC21 952$h)

biblio_metadata Table id INT 10 null
search_history Table query_desc VARCHAR 255 null

the search that was performed

deleteditems Table itemlost_on DATETIME 19 null

the date and time an item was last marked as lost, NULL if not lost

virtualshelfcontents Table biblionumber INT 10 0

foreign key linking to the biblio table, defines the bib record that has been added to the list

aqcontacts Table altphone VARCHAR 100 null

contact's alternate phone number

account_credit_types Table description VARCHAR 200 null
biblioitems Table cn_source VARCHAR 10 null

classification source (MARC21 942$2)

messages Table manager_id INT 10 null

creator of message

serial Table routingnotes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

notes from the routing list

borrower_modifications Table debarredcomment VARCHAR 255 null
patron_list_patrons Table patron_list_id INT 10 null
issuingrules Table rentaldiscount DECIMAL 28 null

percent discount on the rental charge for this item

biblioitems Table editionstatement MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
circulation_rules Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
linktracker Table itemnumber INT 10 null

itemnumber if applicable that the link was from

return_claims Table created_by INT 10 null
deleteditems Table new_status VARCHAR 32 null

'new' value, you can put whatever free-text information. This field is intented to be managed by the automatic_item_modification_by_age cronjob.

old_reserves Table reserve_id INT 10 null

primary key

article_requests Table issue MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
deletedbiblioitems Table lccn VARCHAR 25 null

library of congress control number (MARC21 010$a)

vendor_edi_accounts Table shipment_budget INT 10 null
deleteditems Table stocknumber VARCHAR 32 null

inventory number (MARC21 952$i)

subscription_numberpatterns Table setto1 INT 10 null
issues Table date_due DATETIME 19 null

datetime the item is due (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm::ss)

categories Table BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions BIT 0 -1

wheither or not a patron of this category can renew books or place holds once their card has expired. 0 means they can, 1 means they cannot, -1 means use syspref BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions

import_records Table overlay_status enum('no_match', 'auto_match', 'manual_match', 'match_applied') 13 no_match
auth_types Table authtypecode VARCHAR 10
creator_batches Table item_number INT 10 null
virtualshelves Table sortfield VARCHAR 16 title

the field this list is sorted on

items Table replacementpricedate DATE 10 null

the date the price is effective from (MARC21 952$w)

uploaded_files Table filename MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
branches Table branchphone LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the primary phone for your library or branch

clubs Table date_end DATE 10 null
borrower_relationships Table relationship VARCHAR 100 null
issuingrules Table itemtype VARCHAR 10

item type this rule is for (itemtypes.itemtype)

keyboard_shortcuts Table shortcut_name VARCHAR 80 null
serial Table status TINYINT 3 0

status code for this issue (see manual for full descriptions)

course_reserves Table ci_id INT 10 null

foreign key to link to courses_items.ci_id

deleteditems Table itemlost BIT 0 0

authorized value defining this item as lost (MARC21 952$1)

aqbudgets Table budget_expend DECIMAL 28 0.000000

budget warning at amount

article_requests Table notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
tags_index Table weight INT 10 1

the number of times this term was used on this bib record

z3950servers Table db VARCHAR 255 null

target's database name

deleteditems Table cn_sort VARCHAR 255 null

normalized form of the call number (MARC21 952$o) used for sorting

course_items Table location VARCHAR 80 null

new shelving location for the item to have while on reseve (optional)

statistics Table location VARCHAR 80 null

authorized value for the shelving location for this item (MARC21 952$c)

aqbudgets Table budget_parent_id INT 10 null

if this fund is a child of another this will include the parent id (aqbudgets.budget_id)

language_subtag_registry Table description VARCHAR 25 null

only one of the possible descriptions for ease of reference, see language_descriptions for the complete list

course_items Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
borrower_modifications Table address LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
additional_field_values Table id INT 10 null

primary key identifier

aqorders Table suppliers_reference_qualifier VARCHAR 3 null

Type of number above usually 'QLI'

housebound_visit Table appointment_date DATE 10 null

Date of visit.

branchtransfers Table itemnumber INT 10 0

the itemnumber that it is in transit (items.itemnumber)

user_permissions Table borrowernumber INT 10 0
subscription Table irregularity MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

any irregularities in the subscription

message_queue Table subject MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
need_merge_authorities Table id INT 10 null

unique id

export_format Table used_for VARCHAR 255 export_records
return_claims Table notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
courses Table course_number VARCHAR 255 null

the "course number" assigned to a course

columns_settings Table columnname VARCHAR 255 null
deletedborrowers Table anonymized BIT 0 0

flag for data anonymization

reviews Table approved TINYINT 3 0

whether this comment has been approved by a librarian (1 for yes, 0 for no)

club_template_fields Table name TEXT 65535 null
old_issues Table issue_id INT 10 null

primary key for issues table

creator_batches Table batch_id INT 10 1
import_batches Table comments LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

any comments added when the file was uploaded

aqinvoices Table invoiceid INT 10 null
subscription Table monthlength INT 10 0

subscription length in weeks (will not be filled in if weeklength or numberlength is set)

printers_profile Table profile_id INT 10 null
additional_fields Table name VARCHAR 255

name of the field

import_records Table import_batch_id INT 10 null
tmp_holdsqueue Table pickbranch VARCHAR 10 null
overduerules Table letter1 VARCHAR 20 null

foreign key from the letter table to define which notice should be sent as the first notice

deletedbiblio Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time this record was last touched

club_templates Table is_email_required BIT 0 0
virtualshelves Table shelfname VARCHAR 255 null

name of the list

deleteditems Table ccode VARCHAR 80 null

authorized value for the collection code associated with this item (MARC21 952$8)

account_debit_types_branches Table debit_type_code VARCHAR 80 null
search_field Table opac BIT 0 1
categories Table hidelostitems BIT 0 0

are lost items shown to this category (1 for yes, 0 for no)

currency Table archived BIT 0 0
import_biblios Table has_items BIT 0 0
api_keys Table patron_id INT 10 null
message_attributes Table message_name VARCHAR 40
saved_reports Table report LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
deletedborrowers Table cardnumber VARCHAR 32 null

unique key, library assigned ID number for patrons/borrowers

club_enrollments Table date_updated TIMESTAMP 19 null
borrower_modifications Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
aqcontract Table contractnumber INT 10 null
aqbudgets Table budget_id INT 10 null

primary key and unique number assigned to each fund by Koha

vendor_edi_accounts Table host VARCHAR 40 null
issuingrules Table lengthunit VARCHAR 10 days

unit of checkout length (days, hours)

deletedbiblio Table part_number LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

part number from the MARC record (245$n in MARC21)

items_last_borrower Table id INT 10 null
subscription Table callnumber MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

default call number

club_enrollments Table date_created TIMESTAMP 19 null
club_enrollment_fields Table club_template_enrollment_field_id INT 10 null
biblioitems Table cn_class VARCHAR 30 null
aqorders Table currency VARCHAR 10 null

the currency used for the purchase

reviews Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the borrowers table defining which patron left this comment

borrower_modifications Table B_zipcode VARCHAR 25 null
subscriptionhistory Table opacnote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
suggestions Table reason MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

reason for accepting or rejecting the suggestion

reserves Table found VARCHAR 1 null

a one letter code defining what the status is of the hold is after it has been confirmed

issues Table onsite_checkout INT 10 0

in house use flag

issuingrules Table fine DECIMAL 28 null

fine amount

account_debit_types Table default_amount DECIMAL 28 null
club_holds_to_patron_holds Table error_message VARCHAR 100 null
borrowers Table anonymized BIT 0 0

flag for data anonymization

deleteditems Table reserves SMALLINT 5 null

number of times this item has been placed on hold/reserved

browser Table endnode TINYINT 3 null
message_transports Table letter_code VARCHAR 20
course_reserves Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
suggestions Table itemtype VARCHAR 30 null

suggested item type

import_items Table status enum('error', 'staged', 'imported', 'reverted', 'ignored') 8 staged
borrowers Table B_state MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the state for your patron/borrower's alternate address

serial Table subscriptionid VARCHAR 100

foreign key to the subscription.subscriptionid that this issue is part of

plugin_data Table plugin_value MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
deletedbiblio Table notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

values from the general notes field in the MARC record (500$a in MARC21) split by bar (|)

matchpoint_components Table offset INT 10 0
biblio_metadata Table schema VARCHAR 16 null
borrower_modifications Table gdpr_proc_consent DATETIME 19 null

data processing consent

categories Table categorycode VARCHAR 10

unique primary key used to idenfity the patron category

messages Table message MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the text of the message

aqorders Table sort2_authcat VARCHAR 10 null
aqorders Table created_by INT 10 null

the borrowernumber of order line's creator

action_logs Table action_id INT 10 null

unique identifier for each action

branches Table branchemail LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the primary email address for your library or branch

marc_modification_templates Table name MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
tmp_holdsqueue Table cardnumber VARCHAR 32 null
z3950servers Table id INT 10 null

unique identifier assigned by Koha

branches Table branchaddress2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the second address line of for your library or branch

search_history Table sessionid VARCHAR 32 null

a system generated session id

old_reserves Table reminderdate DATE 10 null

currently unused

subscription_numberpatterns Table numbering3 VARCHAR 255 null
items Table renewals SMALLINT 5 null

number of times this item has been renewed

creator_images Table image_id INT 10 null
courses Table term VARCHAR 80 null

the authorised value for the TERM

oauth_access_tokens Table access_token VARCHAR 191 null

generarated access token

deletedborrowers Table altcontactsurname VARCHAR 255 null

surname or last name of the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

suggestions Table budgetid INT 10 null

foreign key linking the suggested budget to the aqbudgets table

borrowers Table date_renewed DATE 10 null

date the patron/borrower's card was last renewed

deletedbiblio Table abstract LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

summary from the MARC record (520$a in MARC21)

biblioitems Table cn_sort VARCHAR 255 null

normalized version of the call number used for sorting

borrowers Table flags INT 10 null

will include a number associated with the staff member's permissions

subscription_numberpatterns Table add2 INT 10 null
club_templates Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
creator_templates Table top_margin FLOAT 12 0
subscription Table reneweddate DATE 10 null

date of last renewal for the subscription

tmp_holdsqueue Table surname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
housebound_profile Table fav_authors MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

Free text describing preferred authors.

aqbudgetborrowers Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
tags_all Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

the patron who added the tag (borrowers.borrowernumber)

api_keys Table active BIT 0 1
borrower_files Table date_uploaded TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time the file was added

aqbooksellers Table booksellerfax LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

vendor fax number

search_marc_to_field Table search_field_id INT 10 null
aqbooksellers Table discount FLOAT 6 null

discount offered on all items ordered from this vendor

old_reserves Table item_level_hold BIT 0 0

Is the hpld placed at item level

borrower_modifications Table mobile VARCHAR 50 null
borrowers Table altcontactzipcode VARCHAR 50 null

the zipcode for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

deletedborrowers Table overdrive_auth_token MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

persist OverDrive auth token

reports_dictionary Table date_modified DATETIME 19 null

date and time this definition was last modified

suggestions Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key linking the suggested branch to the branches table

borrower_modifications Table B_address2 MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
borrower_modifications Table contactfirstname MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
overduerules_transport_types Table id INT 10 null
tags_all Table term VARCHAR 191 null

the tag

deletedborrowers Table contactnote VARCHAR 255 null

a note related to the patron/borrower's alternate address

aqorders_transfers Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
borrower_modifications Table phonepro MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
serial Table publisheddate DATE 10 null

date published

letter Table is_html BIT 0 0

does this notice or slip use HTML (1 for yes, 0 for no)

biblio_framework Table frameworkcode VARCHAR 4

the unique code assigned to the framework

aqbasketgroups Table freedeliveryplace MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
illrequests Table illrequest_id BIGINT UNSIGNED 20 null
reserves Table suspend_until DATETIME 19 null
borrower_attribute_types_branches Table bat_code VARCHAR 10 null
quotes Table source MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

source/credit for the quote

statistics Table ccode VARCHAR 80 null

foreign key from the items table, links transaction to a specific collection code

deletedborrowers Table email LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the primary email address for your patron/borrower's primary address

stockrotationitems Table stage_id INT 10 null
issuingrules Table finedays INT 10 null

suspension in days

reports_dictionary Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

description for this definition

tags Table entry VARCHAR 255
class_split_rules Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
club_fields Table id INT 10 null
tags_approval Table term VARCHAR 191 null

the tag

borrowers Table sort1 VARCHAR 80 null

a field that can be used for any information unique to the library

biblioitems Table cn_suffix VARCHAR 10 null
borrowers Table gonenoaddress BIT 0 null

set to 1 for yes and 0 for no, flag to note that library marked this patron/borrower as having an unconfirmed address

deletedborrowers Table categorycode VARCHAR 10

foreign key from the categories table, includes the code of the patron category

item_circulation_alert_preferences Table item_type VARCHAR 10 null
issuingrules Table reservesallowed SMALLINT 5 0

how many holds are allowed

items Table stack BIT 0 null
discharges Table needed TIMESTAMP 19 null
import_items Table itemnumber INT 10 null
deletedborrowers Table initials MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

initials for your patron/borrower

search_field Table staff_client BIT 0 1
currency Table p_sep_by_space BIT 0 0
serial Table serialseq VARCHAR 100

issue information (volume, number, etc)

class_sort_rules Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
borrower_modifications Table zipcode VARCHAR 25 null
issues Table auto_renew_error VARCHAR 32 null

automatic renewal error

account_offsets Table debit_id INT 10 null

The id of the accountline that decreased the patron's balance

export_format Table export_format_id INT 10 null
class_sort_rules Table sort_routine VARCHAR 30
subscription Table weeklength INT 10 0

subscription length in weeks (will not be filled in if monthlength or numberlength is set)

items Table coded_location_qualifier VARCHAR 10 null

coded location qualifier(MARC21 952$f)

categories Table reset_password BIT 0 null

if patrons of this category can do the password reset flow,

message_transports Table branchcode VARCHAR 10
club_template_fields Table club_template_id INT 10 null
aqbasketgroups Table billingplace VARCHAR 10 null
marc_modification_template_actions Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
linktracker Table biblionumber INT 10 null

biblionumber of the record the link is from

borrowers Table B_streettype VARCHAR 50 null

the street type (Rd., Blvd, etc) for your patron/borrower's alternate address

collections_tracking Table colId INT 10 0


export_format Table subfield_separator VARCHAR 2 null
deletedborrowers Table checkprevcheckout VARCHAR 7 inherit

produce a warning for this patron if this item has previously been checked out to this patron if 'yes', not if 'no', defer to category setting if 'inherit'.

borrowers Table privacy INT 10 1

patron/borrower's privacy settings related to their reading history

accountlines Table payment_type VARCHAR 80 null

optional authorised value PAYMENT_TYPE

branches Table branchprinter VARCHAR 100 null

unused in Koha

deletedbiblio_metadata Table format VARCHAR 16 null
deletedborrowers Table privacy_guarantor_checkouts BIT 0 0

controls if relatives can see this patron's checkouts

issuingrules Table article_requests enum('no', 'yes', 'bib_only', 'item_only') 9 no

allow article requests to be placed,

subscriptionhistory Table librariannote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
aqbasket Table basketgroupid INT 10 null

links this basket to its group (

deletedborrowers Table firstname MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

patron/borrower's first name

branches Table branchaddress3 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the third address line of for your library or branch

subscription Table subscriptionid INT 10 null

unique key for this subscription

marc_subfield_structure Table tab BIT 0 null
language_script_bidi Table bidi VARCHAR 3 null

rtl ltr

branch_transfer_limits Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null
library_groups Table parent_id INT 10 null
uploaded_files Table owner INT 10 null
action_logs Table object INT 10 null

the object that the action was taken against (could be a borrowernumber, itemnumber, etc)

userflags Table flag VARCHAR 30 null
matchpoint_components Table subfields VARCHAR 40
club_templates Table id INT 10 null
misc_files Table file_name VARCHAR 255 null

file name

aqbooksellers Table tax_rate DECIMAL 6 null

the tax rate the library is charged

aqbasketgroups Table closed BIT 0 null
borrower_relationships Table guarantee_id INT 10 null
serial Table planneddate DATE 10 null

date expected

borrower_modifications Table initials MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
biblioitems Table collectionvolume LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
columns_settings Table is_hidden INT 10 0
tmp_holdsqueue Table firstname MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
old_issues Table auto_renew BIT 0 0

automatic renewal

deletedbiblioitems Table volumedate DATE 10 null
illrequests Table branchcode VARCHAR 50 null
columns_settings Table module VARCHAR 255 null
branches Table branchzip VARCHAR 25 null

the zip or postal code for your library or branch

biblioimages Table mimetype VARCHAR 15 null

image type

reserves Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time this hold was last updated

subscription_frequencies Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
biblioitems Table biblioitemnumber INT 10 null

primary key, unique identifier assigned by Koha

biblioitems Table biblionumber INT 10 0

foreign key linking this table to the biblio table

borrower_modifications Table sex VARCHAR 1 null
creator_layouts Table callnum_split INT 10 0
opac_news Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

The user who created the news article

club_enrollments Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
items Table permanent_location VARCHAR 80 null

linked to the CART and PROC temporary locations feature, stores the permanent shelving location

marc_modification_template_actions Table to_subfield VARCHAR 1 null
audio_alerts Table sound VARCHAR 255 null
deletedborrowers Table sort1 VARCHAR 80 null

a field that can be used for any information unique to the library

biblio Table abstract LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

summary from the MARC record (520$a in MARC21)

subscription Table lastbranch VARCHAR 10 null
uploaded_files Table public TINYINT 3 null
borrower_modifications Table extended_attributes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
borrowers Table lang VARCHAR 25 default

lang to use to send notices to this patron

localization Table translation MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
accountlines Table issue_id INT 10 null
items Table damaged BIT 0 0

authorized value defining this item as damaged (MARC21 952$4)

serial Table serialseq_z VARCHAR 100 null

third part of issue information

return_claims Table updated_on TIMESTAMP 19 null

Time and date of the latest change on the claim (notes)

subscription Table numberlength INT 10 0

subscription length in weeks (will not be filled in if monthlength or weeklength is set)

reserves Table itemnumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the items table defining the specific item the patron has placed on hold or the item this hold was filled with

borrowers Table altcontactaddress2 VARCHAR 255 null

the second address line for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

aqbooksellers Table address2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

second line of vendor physical address

issuingrules Table hardduedatecompare TINYINT 3 0

type of hard due date (1 = after, 0 = on, -1 = before)

borrowers Table lost BIT 0 null

set to 1 for yes and 0 for no, flag to note that library marked this patron/borrower as having lost their card

biblioitems Table collectiontitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
import_batches Table template_id INT 10 null
suggestions Table patronreason MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

reason for making the suggestion

auth_subfield_structure Table value_builder VARCHAR 80 null
aqbasketgroups Table deliveryplace VARCHAR 10 null
issuingrules Table renewalperiod INT 10 null

renewal period in the unit set in issuingrules.lengthunit

issues Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key, linking this to the borrowers table for the patron this item was checked out to

aqinvoices Table shipmentdate DATE 10 null
biblioitems Table illus VARCHAR 255 null

illustrations (MARC21 300$b)

borrowers Table altcontactcountry MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the country for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

course_items Table ci_id INT 10 null

course item id

circulation_rules Table id INT 10 null
itemtypes Table rentalcharge_daily DECIMAL 28 null

the amount charged for each day between checkout date and due date

issuingrules Table no_auto_renewal_after INT 10 null

no auto renewal allowed after X days or hours after the issue date

course_items Table ccode VARCHAR 80 null

new category code for the item to have while on reserve (optional)

deletedbiblio_metadata Table metadata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
deletedborrowers Table B_address2 MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the second address line for your patron/borrower's alternate address

borrowers Table privacy_guarantor_checkouts BIT 0 0

controls if relatives can see this patron's checkouts

marc_modification_template_actions Table conditional_value MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
z3950servers Table host VARCHAR 255 null

target's host name

old_reserves Table expirationdate DATE 10 null

the date the hold expires (usually the date entered by the patron to say they don't need the hold after a certain date)

deleteditems Table replacementprice DECIMAL 8 null

cost the library charges to replace the item if it has been marked lost (MARC21 952$v)

issues Table lastreneweddate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was last renewed

z3950servers Table rank INT 10 null

where this target appears in the list of targets

patron_lists Table name VARCHAR 255 null
subscription Table innerloop3 INT 10 0
subscription Table innerloop1 INT 10 0
vendor_edi_accounts Table download_directory MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
subscription_numberpatterns Table numberingmethod VARCHAR 255 null
marc_subfield_structure Table value_builder VARCHAR 80 null
browser Table level INT 10 null
housebound_visit Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

Number of the borrower, & the profile, linked to this visit.

messages Table message_date TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time the message was written

illcomments Table illcomment_id INT 10 null

Unique ID of the comment

aqbudgetperiods Table budget_period_total DECIMAL 28 null

total amount available in this budget

categories Table enrolmentfee DECIMAL 28 null

enrollment fee for the patron

printers_profile Table units CHAR 20 POINT
aqorders Table order_vendornote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to this order line, made for vendor

auth_tag_structure Table libopac VARCHAR 255
illrequests Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
aqorders Table subscriptionid INT 10 null

links this order line to a subscription (subscription.subscriptionid)

deleteditems Table damaged BIT 0 0

authorized value defining this item as damaged (MARC21 952$4)

issuingrules Table chargeperiod INT 10 null

how often the fine amount is charged

action_logs Table action MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the action (includes things like DELETED, ADDED, MODIFY, etc)

creator_layouts Table guidebox INT 10 0
borrower_debarments Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key for borrowers.borrowernumber for patron who is restricted

subscription Table lastvalue1 INT 10 null
borrowers Table phonepro MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the secondary phone number for your patron/borrower's primary address

marc_subfield_structure Table repeatable TINYINT 3 0
import_records Table import_record_id INT 10 null
deletedborrowers Table userid VARCHAR 75 null

patron/borrower's opac and/or staff client log in

items Table uri VARCHAR 255 null

URL for the item (MARC21 952$u)

import_auths Table original_source VARCHAR 25 null
import_batches Table branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
course_instructors Table borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key to link to borrowers.borrowernumber for instructor information

aqorders Table entrydate DATE 10 null

the date the bib was added to the basket

subscription Table letter VARCHAR 20 null
reserves Table itemtype VARCHAR 10 null

If record level hold, the optional itemtype of the item the patron is requesting

alert Table alertid INT 10 null
aqorders Table tax_rate_on_receiving DECIMAL 6 null

the tax rate on receiving for this line item (%)

borrower_relationships Table id INT 10 null
creator_layouts Table layout_xml MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
printers_profile Table creep_horz FLOAT 12 0
borrower_attribute_types Table code VARCHAR 10 null

unique key used to identify each custom field

items Table datelastborrowed DATE 10 null

the date the item was last checked out/issued

search_history Table query_cgi MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the string to append to the search url to rerun the search

language_descriptions Table description VARCHAR 255 null
export_format Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
old_issues Table noteseen INT 10 null

describes whether checkout note has been seen 1, not been seen 0 or doesn't exist null

accountlines Table manager_id INT 10 null
items Table barcode VARCHAR 20 null

item barcode (MARC21 952$p)

deletedborrowers Table mobile VARCHAR 50 null

the other phone number for your patron/borrower's primary address

accountlines Table amountoutstanding DECIMAL 28 null
auth_subfield_structure Table libopac VARCHAR 255
deleteditems Table booksellerid LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

where the item was purchased (MARC21 952$e)

columns_settings Table cannot_be_toggled INT 10 0
aqinvoices Table shipmentcost_budgetid INT 10 null
subscriptionhistory Table histstartdate DATE 10 null
letter Table title VARCHAR 200

subject line of the notice

itemtypes Table sip_media_type VARCHAR 3 null

SIP2 protocol media type for this itemtype

systempreferences Table value MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

system preference values

borrowers Table surname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

patron/borrower's last name (surname)

aqorders Table unitprice_tax_included DECIMAL 28 null

the unit price including tax (on receiving)

branch_transfer_limits Table toBranch VARCHAR 10 null
localization Table lang VARCHAR 25 null

could be a foreign key

aqbasketgroups Table name VARCHAR 50 null
cash_registers Table starting_float DECIMAL 28 null

the starting float this account register should be assigned

class_split_rules Table class_split_rule VARCHAR 10
aqorders Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time this order line was last modified

itemtypes Table summary MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

information from the summary field, may include HTML

biblio Table unititle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

uniform title (without the subtitle) from the MARC record (240$a in MARC21)

borrower_modifications Table country MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
borrower_attribute_types Table class VARCHAR 255
deletedborrowers Table altcontactaddress3 VARCHAR 255 null

the city for the alternate contact for the patron/borrower

marc_modification_template_actions Table to_regex_replace MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
illrequests Table orderid VARCHAR 50 null
biblioitems Table ean LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
import_records Table encoding VARCHAR 40
club_enrollment_fields Table value MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
message_queue Table to_address LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
aqbudgetborrowers Table budget_id INT 10 null
language_subtag_registry Table type VARCHAR 25 null


search_field Table weight DECIMAL 5 null
cities Table city_state VARCHAR 100 null

name of the state/province

export_format Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
saved_sql Table notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the notes or description given to this report

marc_modification_template_actions Table ordering INT 10 null
additional_field_values Table record_id INT 10 null


marc_subfield_structure Table defaultvalue MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
article_requests Table itemnumber INT 10 null
biblioitems Table collectionissn MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
aqorders Table unitprice DECIMAL 28 null

the actual cost entered when receiving this line item

subscriptionroutinglist Table subscriptionid INT 10 null

foreign key from the subscription table, defines which subscription this routing list is for

saved_reports Table date_run DATETIME 19 null
borrowers Table streettype VARCHAR 50 null

the street type (Rd., Blvd, etc) for your patron/borrower's primary address

biblioitems Table totalissues INT 10 null
categories Table change_password BIT 0 null

if patrons of this category can change their passwords in the OAPC

accountlines Table status VARCHAR 16 null
creator_batches Table description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
old_issues Table notedate DATETIME 19 null

datetime of issue note (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm::ss)

items Table itemnumber INT 10 null

primary key and unique identifier added by Koha

aqbooksellers Table booksellerurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

unused in Koha

import_auths Table matched_authid INT 10 null
plugin_methods Table plugin_method VARCHAR 255 null
issuingrules Table note VARCHAR 100 null

description of rule, reason for setting rule

account_offsets Table credit_id INT 10 null

The id of the accountline the increased the patron's balance

borrower_modifications Table othernames LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
message_queue Table content MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
permissions Table description VARCHAR 255 null
deletedborrowers Table B_state MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

the state for your patron/borrower's alternate address

aqorder_users Table ordernumber INT 10 null

the order this patrons receive notifications from (aqorders.ordernumber)

borrower_message_preferences Table borrowernumber INT 10 null
issuingrules Table suspension_chargeperiod INT 10 1

how often the finedays is charged

deletedborrowers Table surname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

patron/borrower's last name (surname)

borrower_modifications Table contactname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
aqbudgets_planning Table budget_period_id INT 10 null
social_data Table num_critics_pro INT 10 null
action_logs Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time the action took place

auth_types Table authtypetext VARCHAR 255
library_groups Table created_on TIMESTAMP 19 null
tmp_holdsqueue Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
aqbudgets_planning Table estimated_amount DECIMAL 28 null
aqorders_transfers Table ordernumber_to INT 10 null
old_reserves Table priority SMALLINT 5 null

where in the queue the patron sits

z3950servers Table sru_options VARCHAR 255 null

options like sru=get, sru_version=1.1; will be passed to the server via ZOOM

deletedborrowers Table lastseen DATETIME 19 null

last time a patron has been seen (connected at the OPAC or staff interface)

library_groups Table id INT 10 null
misc_files Table file_content LONGBLOB 2147483647 null

file content

illrequests Table placed DATE 10 null
aqorders_items Table timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time this order item was last touched

vendor_edi_accounts Table vendor_id INT 10 null
marc_subfield_structure Table link VARCHAR 80 null
branches Table issuing TINYINT 3 null

unused in Koha

borrower_debarments Table borrower_debarment_id INT 10 null

unique key for the restriction

itemtypes Table notforloan SMALLINT 5 null

1 if the item is not for loan, 0 if the item is available for loan

plugin_methods Table plugin_class VARCHAR 255 null
import_batches Table import_status enum('staging', 'staged', 'importing', 'imported', 'reverting', 'reverted', 'cleaned') 9 staging

the status of the imported file