SchemaSpy Analysis of testsql_comments Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Tue Dec 27 16:24 NZDT 2016
Database Type: MySQL - 5.5.5-10.1.20-MariaDB-3

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order (for database loading/purging scripts)

Table Children Parents Columns Rows Comments
accountlines 2 16 0
accountoffsets 1 5 0
action_logs 7 0 logs of actions taken in Koha (requires that the logs be turned on)
additional_field_values 1 4 0
additional_fields 1 6 0
alert 4 0
aqbasket 2 4 14 0 stores data about baskets in acquisitions
aqbasketgroups 1 1 8 0
aqbasketusers 2 2 0
aqbooksellers 5 2 26 0 information about the vendors listed in acquisitions
aqbudgetborrowers 2 2 0
aqbudgetperiods 9 0 information related to Budgets
aqbudgets 5 15 0 information related to Funds
aqbudgets_planning 1 7 0
aqcontacts 1 13 0
aqcontract 1 1 6 0
aqinvoices 1 2 8 0
aqorder_users 2 2 0 Mapping orders to patrons for notification sending
aqorders 4 5 35 0 information related to the basket line items
aqorders_items 1 3 0 information on items entered in the acquisitions process
aqorders_transfers 2 3 0
audio_alerts 4 0
auth_header 9 0
auth_subfield_structure 1 17 0
auth_tag_structure 1 7 0
auth_types 2 4 0
authorised_values 2 6 0 stores values for authorized values categories and values
authorised_values_branches 2 2 0 association table between authorised_values and branches
biblio 12 12 0 table that stores bibliographic information
biblio_framework 2 0 information about MARC frameworks
biblioimages 1 5 0 local cover images
biblioitems 1 1 34 0 information related to bibliographic records in Koha
borrower_attribute_types 2 11 0 definitions for custom patron fields known as extended patron attributes
borrower_attribute_types_branches 2 2 0 association table between borrower_attribute_types and branches
borrower_attributes 2 4 0 values of custom patron fields known as extended patron attributes linked to patrons/borrowers
borrower_debarments 1 8 0 tracks restrictions on the patron's record
borrower_files 1 7 0 files attached to the patron/borrower record
borrower_message_preferences 1 3 6 0
borrower_message_transport_preferences 2 2 0
borrower_modifications 67 0
borrower_sync 1 7 0
borrowers 32 2 66 0 this table includes information about your patrons/borrowers/members
branch_borrower_circ_rules 2 4 0 includes default circulation rules for patron categories found under "Checkout limit by patron category"
branch_item_rules 2 4 0 information entered in the circulation and fine rules under 'Holds policy by item type'
branch_transfer_limits 5 0
branchcategories 1 5 0 information related to library/branch groups
branches 21 20 0 information about your libraries or branches are stored here
branchrelations 2 2 0 this table links libraries/branches to groups
branchtransfers 3 6 0 information for items that are in transit between branches
browser 5 0
categories 5 16 0 this table shows information related to Koha patron categories
categories_branches 2 2 0 association table between categories and branches
cities 5 0 authorized values for cities/states/countries to choose when adding/editing a patron/borrower
class_sort_rules 1 3 0
class_sources 1 4 0
collections 1 4 0
collections_tracking 3 0
columns_settings 6 0
course_instructors 2 2 0
course_items 1 2 8 0
course_reserves 2 6 0
courses 2 11 0
creator_batches 3 7 0
creator_images 3 0
creator_layouts 15 0
creator_templates 18 0
currency 2 6 0
default_borrower_circ_rules 1 3 0 default checkout rules found under "Default checkout, hold and return policy"
default_branch_circ_rules 1 5 0
default_branch_item_rules 1 3 0
default_circ_rules 5 0
deletedbiblio 12 0 stores information about bibliographic records that have been deleted
deletedbiblioitems 34 0 information about bibliographic records that have been deleted
deletedborrowers 66 0 stores data related to the patrons/borrowers you have deleted
deleteditems 43 0
discharges 1 4 0
export_format 9 0 Used for CSV export
fieldmapping 5 0 koha to keyword mapping
hold_fill_targets 4 5 0
import_auths 1 5 0
import_batches 1 15 0 information about batches of marc records that have been imported
import_biblios 1 9 0
import_items 1 7 0
import_record_matches 1 3 0 matches found when importing a batch of records
import_records 4 1 15 0
issues 2 13 0 information related to check outs or issues
issuingrules 28 0 circulation and fine rules
item_circulation_alert_preferences 5 0
items 10 4 43 0 holdings/item information
items_search_fields 1 5 0
itemtypes 2 11 0 defines the item types
language_descriptions 5 0
language_rfc4646_to_iso639 3 0
language_script_bidi 2 0
language_script_mapping 2 0
language_subtag_registry 5 0
letter 3 1 8 0 table for all notice templates in Koha
linktracker 6 0
localization 5 0
marc_matchers 3 5 0
marc_modification_template_actions 1 20 0
marc_modification_templates 1 2 0
marc_subfield_structure 18 0
marc_tag_structure 7 0
matchchecks 3 4 0
matcher_matchpoints 2 2 0
matchpoint_component_norms 1 3 0
matchpoint_components 1 1 7 0
matchpoints 4 1 4 0
message_attributes 2 3 0
message_queue 2 12 0
message_transport_types 5 1 0
message_transports 5 6 0
messages 6 0 circulation messages left via the patron's check out screen
misc_files 8 0 miscellaneous files attached to records from various tables
need_merge_authorities 3 0 keeping track of authority records still to be merged by merge_authority cron job (used only if pref dontmerge is ON)
notifys 7 0
oai_sets 3 3 0
oai_sets_biblios 1 2 0
oai_sets_descriptions 1 2 0
oai_sets_mappings 1 5 0
old_issues 2 13 0 lists items that were checked out and have been returned
old_reserves 3 18 0 this table holds all holds/reserves that have been completed (either filled or cancelled)
opac_news 2 9 0 data from the news tool
overduerules 2 11 0 overdue notice status and triggers
overduerules_transport_types 3 5 0
patron_list_patrons 2 3 0
patron_lists 1 1 3 0
patronimage 1 3 0 information related to patron images
pending_offline_operations 8 0
permissions 2 1 3 0
plugin_data 3 0
printers 3 0
printers_profile 10 0
quotes 4 0 data for the quote of the day feature
ratings 2 4 0 information related to the star ratings in the OPAC
repeatable_holidays 7 0 information for the days the library is closed
reports_dictionary 7 0 definitions (or snippets of SQL) stored for use in reports
reserves 4 18 0 information related to holds/reserves in Koha
reviews 2 6 0 patron opac comments
saved_reports 4 0
saved_sql 14 0 saved sql reports
search_history 8 0 Opac search history results
serial 1 12 0 issues related to subscriptions
serialitems 2 2 0
services_throttle 2 0
sessions 2 0
social_data 7 0
special_holidays 8 0 non repeatable holidays/library closings
statistics 12 0 information related to transactions (circulation and fines) in Koha
stopwords 1 0
subscription 2 2 40 0 information related to the subscription
subscription_frequencies 1 6 0
subscription_numberpatterns 1 23 0
subscriptionhistory 8 0
subscriptionroutinglist 2 4 0 information related to the routing lists attached to subscriptions
suggestions 1 31 0 purchase suggestions
systempreferences 5 0 global system preferences
tags 2 0
tags_all 2 6 0 all of the tags
tags_approval 1 1 5 0 approved tags
tags_index 2 3 0 a weighted list of all tags and where they are used
tmp_holdsqueue 15 0
transport_cost 2 4 0
uploaded_files 10 0
user_permissions 3 3 0
userflags 1 4 0
virtualshelfcontents 3 5 0 information about the titles in a list (or virtual shelf)
virtualshelfshares 2 5 0 shared private lists
virtualshelves 2 1 10 0 information about lists (or virtual shelves)
z3950servers 17 0 connection information for the Z39.50 targets used in cataloging
zebraqueue 6 0
172 Tables     1,588 0