Table testsql_comments.aqbudgets
information related to Funds

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Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
budget_id int 10  √ 
primary key and unique number assigned to each fund by Koha
budget_parent_id int 10  √  null if this fund is a child of another this will include the parent id (aqbudgets.budget_id)
budget_code varchar 30  √  null code assigned to the fund by the user
budget_name varchar 80  √  null name assigned to the fund by the user
budget_branchcode varchar 10  √  null branch that this fund belongs to (branches.branchcode)
budget_amount decimal 28,6  √  0.000000 total amount for this fund
budget_encumb decimal 28,6  √  0.000000 not used in the code
budget_expend decimal 28,6  √  0.000000 not used in the code
budget_notes mediumtext 16777215  √  null notes related to this fund
timestamp timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP date and time this fund was last touched (created or modified)
budget_period_id int 10  √  null
id of the budget that this fund belongs to (aqbudgetperiods.budget_period_id)
sort1_authcat varchar 80  √  null statistical category for this fund
sort2_authcat varchar 80  √  null second statistical category for this fund
budget_owner_id int 10  √  null borrowernumber of the person who owns this fund (borrowers.borrowernumber)
budget_permission int 10  √  0 level of permission for this fund (used only by the owner, only by the library, or anyone)

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 17:46 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
budget_id Primary key Asc

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