Table testsql_comments.subscription Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
biblionumber int 10 0
deletedbiblio.biblionumber Implied Constraint R
foreign key for biblio.biblionumber that this subscription is attached to
subscriptionid int 10  √ 
aqorders.subscriptionid aqorders_subscriptionid C
subscriptionroutinglist.subscriptionid subscriptionroutinglist_ibfk_2 C
subscriptionhistory.subscriptionid Implied Constraint R
unique key for this subscription
librarian varchar 100  √  the librarian's username from borrowers.userid
startdate date 10  √  null start date for this subscription
aqbooksellerid int 10  √  0 foreign key for to link to the vendor
cost int 10  √  0
aqbudgetid int 10  √  0
weeklength int 10  √  0 subscription length in weeks (will not be filled in if monthlength or numberlength is set)
monthlength int 10  √  0 subscription length in weeks (will not be filled in if weeklength or numberlength is set)
numberlength int 10  √  0 subscription length in weeks (will not be filled in if monthlength or weeklength is set)
periodicity int 10  √  null subscription_ibfk_1 N
frequency type links to
countissuesperunit int 10 1
notes mediumtext 16777215  √  null notes
status varchar 100
lastvalue1 int 10  √  null
innerloop1 int 10  √  0
lastvalue2 int 10  √  null
innerloop2 int 10  √  0
lastvalue3 int 10  √  null
innerloop3 int 10  √  0
firstacquidate date 10  √  null first issue received date
manualhistory bit 0 0 yes or no to managing the history manually
irregularity text 65535  √  null any irregularities in the subscription
skip_serialseq bit 0 0
letter varchar 20  √  null
numberpattern int 10  √  null subscription_ibfk_2 N
the numbering pattern used links to
locale varchar 80  √  null for foreign language subscriptions to display months, seasons, etc correctly
distributedto text 65535  √  null
internalnotes longtext 2147483647  √  null
callnumber text 65535  √  null default call number
location varchar 80  √  default shelving location (items.location)
branchcode varchar 10
branches.branchcode Implied Constraint R
default branches (items.homebranch)
lastbranch varchar 10  √  null
serialsadditems bit 0 0 does receiving this serial create an item record
staffdisplaycount varchar 10  √  null how many issues to show to the staff
opacdisplaycount varchar 10  √  null how many issues to show to the public
graceperiod int 10 0 grace period in days
enddate date 10  √  null subscription end date
closed int 10 0 yes / no if the subscription is closed
reneweddate date 10  √  null date of last renewal for the subscription

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 18:01 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
subscriptionid Primary key Asc PRIMARY
periodicity Performance Asc subscription_ibfk_1
numberpattern Performance Asc subscription_ibfk_2

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