Table testsql_comments.issuingrules Generated by
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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
categorycode varchar 10
patron category this rule is for (categories.categorycode)
itemtype varchar 10
item type this rule is for (itemtypes.itemtype)
restrictedtype bit 0  √  null not used? always NULL
rentaldiscount decimal 28,6  √  null percent discount on the rental charge for this item
reservecharge decimal 28,6  √  null
fine decimal 28,6  √  null fine amount
finedays int 10  √  null suspension in days
maxsuspensiondays int 10  √  null max suspension days
firstremind int 10  √  null fine grace period
chargeperiod int 10  √  null how often the fine amount is charged
accountsent int 10  √  null not used? always NULL
chargename varchar 100  √  null not used? always NULL
maxissueqty int 10  √  null total number of checkouts allowed
issuelength int 10  √  null length of checkout in the unit set in issuingrules.lengthunit
lengthunit varchar 10  √  days unit of checkout length (days, hours)
hardduedate date 10  √  null hard due date
hardduedatecompare tinyint 3 0 type of hard due date (1 = after, 0 = on, -1 = before)
renewalsallowed smallint 5 0 how many renewals are allowed
renewalperiod int 10  √  null renewal period in the unit set in issuingrules.lengthunit
norenewalbefore int 10  √  null no renewal allowed until X days or hours before due date. In the unit set in issuingrules.lengthunit
auto_renew bit 0  √  0 automatic renewal
reservesallowed smallint 5 0 how many holds are allowed
branchcode varchar 10
the branch this rule is for (branches.branchcode)
overduefinescap decimal 28,6  √  null the maximum amount of an overdue fine

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 18:01 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
branchcode + categorycode + itemtype Primary key Asc/Asc/Asc
categorycode Performance Asc
itemtype Performance Asc

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