
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null

unique identifier and primary key

description VARCHAR 250 null

description of this account

vendor_id INT 10 null marc_ordering_account_ibfk_1 C

vendor id for this account

budget_id INT 10 null
aqbudgets.budget_id marc_ordering_account_ibfk_2 C

budget id for this account

download_directory MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

download directory for this account

matcher_id INT 10 null

the id of the match rule used (matchpoints.matcher_id)

overlay_action VARCHAR 50 null

how to handle duplicate records

nomatch_action VARCHAR 50 null

how to handle records where no match is found

item_action VARCHAR 50 null

what to do with item records

parse_items BIT 0 null

should items be parsed

record_type VARCHAR 50 null

type of record in the file

encoding VARCHAR 50 null

file encoding

match_field VARCHAR 10 null

the field that a vendor account has been mapped to in a marc record

match_value VARCHAR 50 null

the value to be matched against the marc record


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
marc_ordering_account_ibfk_1 Performance Asc vendor_id
marc_ordering_account_ibfk_2 Performance Asc budget_id
