
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
issue_id INT 10 null
accountlines.issue_id accountlines_ibfk_issues N

primary key for issues table

borrowernumber INT 10 null
borrowers.borrowernumber issues_ibfk_1 R

foreign key, linking this to the borrowers table for the patron this item was checked out to

issuer_id INT 10 null
borrowers.borrowernumber issues_ibfk_borrowers_borrowernumber N

foreign key, linking this to the borrowers table for the user who checked out this item

itemnumber INT 10 null
items.itemnumber issues_ibfk_2 R

foreign key, linking this to the items table for the item that was checked out

date_due DATETIME 19 null

datetime the item is due (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm::ss)

branchcode VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key, linking to the branches table for the location the item was checked out

returndate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was returned, will be NULL until moved to old_issues

checkin_library VARCHAR 10 null

library the item was checked in at

lastreneweddate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was last renewed

renewals_count TINYINT 3 0

lists the number of times the item was renewed

unseen_renewals TINYINT 3 0

lists the number of consecutive times the item was renewed without being seen

auto_renew BIT 0 0

automatic renewal

auto_renew_error VARCHAR 32 null

automatic renewal error

timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

the date and time this record was last touched

issuedate DATETIME 19 null

date the item was checked out or issued

onsite_checkout INT 10 0

in house use flag

note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

issue note text

notedate DATETIME 19 null

datetime of issue note (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm::ss)

noteseen INT 10 null

describes whether checkout note has been seen 1, not been seen 0 or doesn’t exist null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc issue_id
bordate Performance Asc/Asc borrowernumber + timestamp
branchcode_idx Performance Asc branchcode
issues_ibfk_borrowers_borrowernumber Performance Asc issuer_id
issuesborridx Performance Asc borrowernumber
itemnumber Must be unique Asc itemnumber
itemnumber_idx Performance Asc itemnumber
