
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
ticket_updates.ticket_id ticket_updates_ibfk_1 C

primary key

source enum('catalog') 8 catalog

source of ticket

reporter_id INT 10 0
borrowers.borrowernumber tickets_ibfk_1 C

id of the patron who reported the ticket

reported_date TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time this ticket was reported

title TEXT 65535 null

ticket title

body TEXT 65535 null

ticket details

status VARCHAR 80 null

current status of the ticket

assignee_id INT 10 null
borrowers.borrowernumber tickets_ibfk_4 C

id of the user who this ticket is assigned to

resolver_id INT 10 null
borrowers.borrowernumber tickets_ibfk_2 C

id of the user who resolved the ticket

resolved_date DATETIME 19 null

date and time this ticket was resolved

biblio_id INT 10 null
biblio.biblionumber tickets_ibfk_3 C

id of biblio linked


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
tickets_ibfk_1 Performance Asc reporter_id
tickets_ibfk_2 Performance Asc resolver_id
tickets_ibfk_3 Performance Asc biblio_id
tickets_ibfk_4 Performance Asc assignee_id
