
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
erm_counter_log_id INT 10 null

primary key

borrowernumber INT 10 null
borrowers.borrowernumber erm_counter_log_ibfk_1 C

foreign key to borrowers

counter_files_id INT 10 null
erm_counter_files.erm_counter_files_id erm_counter_log_ibfk_2 C

foreign key to erm_counter_files

usage_data_provider_id INT 10 null
erm_usage_data_providers.erm_usage_data_provider_id erm_counter_log_ibfk_3 C

foreign key to erm_usage_data_providers

importdate TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

counter file import date

filename VARCHAR 80 null

name of the counter file

logdetails LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

details from the counter log


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc erm_counter_log_id
erm_counter_log_ibfk_1 Performance Asc borrowernumber
erm_counter_log_ibfk_2 Performance Asc counter_files_id
erm_counter_log_ibfk_3 Performance Asc usage_data_provider_id
