Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||
id | INT | 10 | √ | null |
unique id and primary key assigned by Koha |
borrowernumber | INT | 10 | √ | null |
the staff member who created this report (borrowers.borrowernumber) |
date_created | DATETIME | 19 | √ | null |
the date this report was created |
last_modified | DATETIME | 19 | √ | null |
the date this report was last edited |
savedsql | MEDIUMTEXT | 16777215 | √ | null |
the SQL for this report |
last_run | DATETIME | 19 | √ | null |
report_name | VARCHAR | 255 |
the name of this report |
type | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
always 1 for tabular |
notes | MEDIUMTEXT | 16777215 | √ | null |
the notes or description given to this report |
cache_expiry | INT | 10 | 300 |