

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ci_id INT 10 null
course_reserves.ci_id course_reserves_ibfk_2 C

course item id

itemnumber INT 10 null
items.itemnumber course_items_ibfk_1 C

items.itemnumber for the item on reserve

itype VARCHAR 10 null

new itemtype for the item to have while on reserve (optional)

ccode VARCHAR 80 null

new category code for the item to have while on reserve (optional)

holdingbranch VARCHAR 10 null
branches.branchcode course_items_ibfk_2 C

new holding branch for the item to have while on reserve (optional)

location VARCHAR 80 null

new shelving location for the item to have while on reseve (optional)

enabled enum('yes', 'no') 4 no

if at least one enabled course has this item on reseve, this field will be 'yes', otherwise it will be 'no'

timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc ci_id
holdingbranch Performance Asc holdingbranch
itemnumber Must be unique Asc itemnumber
