Table testsql_comments.serial
issues related to subscriptions

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Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
serialid int 10  √ 
unique key for the issue
biblionumber varchar 100 foreign key for the biblio.biblionumber that this issue is attached to
subscriptionid varchar 100 foreign key to the subscription.subscriptionid that this issue is part of
serialseq varchar 100 issue information (volume, number, etc)
serialseq_x varchar 100  √  null first part of issue information
serialseq_y varchar 100  √  null second part of issue information
serialseq_z varchar 100  √  null third part of issue information
status tinyint 3 0 status code for this issue (see manual for full descriptions)
planneddate date 10  √  null date expected
notes text 65535  √  null notes
publisheddate date 10  √  null date published
publisheddatetext varchar 100  √  null date published (descriptive)
claimdate date 10  √  null date claimed
claims_count int 10  √  0 number of claims made related to this issue
routingnotes text 65535  √  null notes from the routing list

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 17:18 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
serialid Primary key Asc

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