Table testsql_comments.aqcontacts Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int 10  √ 
primary key and unique number assigned by Koha
name varchar 100  √  null name of contact at vendor
position varchar 100  √  null contact person's position
phone varchar 100  √  null contact's phone number
altphone varchar 100  √  null contact's alternate phone number
fax varchar 100  √  null
email varchar 100  √  null contact's email address
notes mediumtext 16777215  √  null notes related to the contact
claimacquisition bit 0 0 should this contact receive acquisitions claims
claimissues bit 0 0 should this contact receive serial claims
acqprimary bit 0 0 is this the primary contact for acquisitions messages
serialsprimary bit 0 0 is this the primary contact for serials messages
booksellerid int 10

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 16:10 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
id Primary key Asc
booksellerid Performance Asc

Close relationships  within of separation: