
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
shelfnumber INT 10 0
virtualshelves.shelfnumber virtualshelfcontents_ibfk_1 C

foreign key linking to the virtualshelves table, defines the list that this record has been added to

biblionumber INT 10 0
biblio.biblionumber shelfcontents_ibfk_2 C

foreign key linking to the biblio table, defines the bib record that has been added to the list

dateadded TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time this bib record was added to the list

borrowernumber INT 10 null
borrowers.borrowernumber shelfcontents_ibfk_3 N

borrower number that created this list entry (only the first one is saved: no need for use in/as key)


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
biblionumber Performance Asc biblionumber
shelfcontents_ibfk_3 Performance Asc borrowernumber
shelfnumber Performance Asc shelfnumber
