
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
tag_id INT 10 null

unique id and primary key

borrowernumber INT 10 null
borrowers.borrowernumber tags_borrowers_fk_1 N

the patron who added the tag (borrowers.borrowernumber)

biblionumber INT 10 null
biblio.biblionumber tags_biblionumber_fk_1 C

the bib record this tag was left on (biblio.biblionumber)

term VARCHAR 191 null
tags_approval.term Implied Constraint R

the tag

language INT 10 null

the language the tag was left in

date_created DATETIME 19 null

the date the tag was added


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc tag_id
tags_biblionumber_fk_1 Performance Asc biblionumber
tags_borrowers_fk_1 Performance Asc borrowernumber
