
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
import_batch_id INT 10 null
import_records.import_batch_id import_records_ifbk_1 C

unique identifier and primary key

matcher_id INT 10 null

the id of the match rule used (matchpoints.matcher_id)

template_id INT 10 null
branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
num_records INT 10 0

number of records in the file

num_items INT 10 0

number of items in the file

upload_timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()

date and time the file was uploaded

overlay_action enum('replace', 'create_new', 'use_template', 'ignore') 12 create_new

how to handle duplicate records

nomatch_action enum('create_new', 'ignore') 11 create_new

how to handle records where no match is found

item_action enum('always_add', 'add_only_for_matches', 'add_only_for_new', 'ignore', 'replace') 20 always_add

what to do with item records

import_status enum('staging', 'staged', 'importing', 'imported', 'reverting', 'reverted', 'cleaned') 9 staging

the status of the imported file

batch_type enum('batch', 'z3950', 'webservice') 10 batch

where this batch has come from

record_type enum('biblio', 'auth', 'holdings') 8 biblio

type of record in the batch

file_name VARCHAR 100 null

the name of the file uploaded

comments LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

any comments added when the file was uploaded

profile_id INT 10 null import_batches_ibfk_1 N


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc import_batch_id
branchcode Performance Asc branchcode
import_batches_ibfk_1 Performance Asc profile_id
