
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
title_id INT 10 null
erm_usage_mus.title_id erm_usage_mus_ibfk_1 C
erm_usage_yus.title_id erm_usage_yus_ibfk_1 C

primary key

title MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

item title

usage_data_provider_id INT 10 null
erm_usage_data_providers.erm_usage_data_provider_id erm_usage_titles_ibfk_1 C

platform the title is harvested by

title_doi VARCHAR 255 null

DOI number for the title

proprietary_id VARCHAR 255 null

Proprietary_ID for the title

platform VARCHAR 255 null

platform for the title

print_issn VARCHAR 255 null

Print ISSN number for the title

online_issn VARCHAR 255 null

Online ISSN number for the title

title_uri VARCHAR 255 null

URI number for the title

publisher VARCHAR 255 null

Publisher for the title

publisher_id VARCHAR 255 null

Publisher ID for the title

isbn VARCHAR 255 null

ISBN of the title


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc title_id
erm_usage_titles_ibfk_1 Performance Asc usage_data_provider_id
