
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
borrowernumber INT 10 null
borrowers.borrowernumber article_requests_ibfk_1 C
biblionumber INT 10 null
biblio.biblionumber article_requests_ibfk_2 C
itemnumber INT 10 null
items.itemnumber article_requests_ibfk_3 N
branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
branches.branchcode article_requests_ibfk_4 N
title MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
author MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
volume MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
issue MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
date MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
pages MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
chapters MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
patron_notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
notes MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
format enum('PHOTOCOPY', 'SCAN') 10 PHOTOCOPY
urls MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
cancellation_reason VARCHAR 80 null

optional authorised value AR_CANCELLATION

debit_id INT 10 null
accountlines.accountlines_id article_requests_ibfk_5 N

Debit line with cost for article scan request

created_on TIMESTAMP 19 null

Be careful with two timestamps in one table not allowing NULL

updated_on TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
toc_request TINYINT 3 0

borrower requested table of contents


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
biblionumber Performance Asc biblionumber
borrowernumber Performance Asc borrowernumber
branchcode Performance Asc branchcode
debit_id Performance Asc debit_id
itemnumber Performance Asc itemnumber
