
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
basketno INT 10 null
aqbasketusers.basketno aqbasketusers_ibfk_1 C
aqorders.basketno aqorders_ibfk_1 C
edifact_messages.basketno emfk_basketno C

primary key, Koha defined number

basketname VARCHAR 50 null

name given to the basket at creation

note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the internal note added at basket creation

booksellernote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the vendor note added at basket creation

contractnumber INT 10 null
aqcontract.contractnumber aqbasket_ibfk_2 R

links this basket to the aqcontract table (aqcontract.contractnumber)

creationdate DATE 10 null

the date the basket was created

closedate DATE 10 null

the date the basket was closed

booksellerid INT 10 1 aqbasket_ibfk_1 R

the Koha assigned ID for the vendor (

authorisedby VARCHAR 10 null

the borrowernumber of the person who created the basket

booksellerinvoicenumber LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

appears to always be NULL

basketgroupid INT 10 null aqbasket_ibfk_3 R

links this basket to its group (

deliveryplace VARCHAR 10 null

basket delivery place

billingplace VARCHAR 10 null

basket billing place

branch VARCHAR 10 null
branches.branchcode aqbasket_ibfk_4 N

basket branch

is_standing BIT 0 0

orders in this basket are standing

create_items enum('ordering', 'receiving', 'cataloguing') 11 null

when items should be created for orders in this basket


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc basketno
aqbasket_ibfk_4 Performance Asc branch
authorisedby Performance Asc authorisedby
basketgroupid Performance Asc basketgroupid
booksellerid Performance Asc booksellerid
contractnumber Performance Asc contractnumber
