
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
datetime DATETIME 19 null

date and time of the transaction

branch VARCHAR 10 null

foreign key, branch where the transaction occurred

value DOUBLE 16,4 null

monetary value associated with the transaction

type VARCHAR 16 null

transaction type (localuse, issue, return, renew, writeoff, payment)

other LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

used by SIP

itemnumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the items table, links transaction to a specific item

itemtype VARCHAR 10 null
itemtypes.itemtype Implied ConstraintR

foreign key from the itemtypes table, links transaction to a specific item type

location VARCHAR 80 null

authorized value for the shelving location for this item (MARC21 952$c)

borrowernumber INT 10 null

foreign key from the borrowers table, links transaction to a specific borrower

ccode VARCHAR 80 null

foreign key from the items table, links transaction to a specific collection code

categorycode VARCHAR 10 null
categories.categorycode Implied ConstraintR

foreign key from the borrowers table, links transaction to a specific borrower category

interface VARCHAR 30 null

the context this action was taken in


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
borrowernumber_idx Performance Asc borrowernumber
branch_idx Performance Asc branch
ccode_idx Performance Asc ccode
itemnumber_idx Performance Asc itemnumber
itemtype_idx Performance Asc itemtype
timeidx Performance Asc datetime
type_idx Performance Asc type
