
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
reserve_id INT 10 null
club_holds_to_patron_holds.hold_id clubs_holds_paton_holds_ibfk_3C

primary key

borrowernumber INT 10 0
borrowers.borrowernumber reserves_ibfk_1C

foreign key from the borrowers table defining which patron this hold is for

reservedate DATE 10 null

the date the hold was placed

biblionumber INT 10 0
biblio.biblionumber reserves_ibfk_2C

foreign key from the biblio table defining which bib record this hold is on

branchcode VARCHAR 10 null
branches.branchcode reserves_ibfk_4C

foreign key from the branches table defining which branch the patron wishes to pick this hold up at

desk_id INT 10 null
desks.desk_id reserves_ibfk_6N

foreign key from the desks table defining which desk the patron should pick this hold up at

notificationdate DATE 10 null

currently unused

reminderdate DATE 10 null

currently unused

cancellationdate DATE 10 null

the date this hold was cancelled

cancellation_reason VARCHAR 80 null

optional authorised value CANCELLATION_REASON

reservenotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

notes related to this hold

priority SMALLINT 5 1

where in the queue the patron sits

found VARCHAR 1 null

a one letter code defining what the status is of the hold is after it has been confirmed


the date and time this hold was last updated

itemnumber INT 10 null
items.itemnumber reserves_ibfk_3C

foreign key from the items table defining the specific item the patron has placed on hold or the item this hold was filled with

waitingdate DATE 10 null

the date the item was marked as waiting for the patron at the library

expirationdate DATE 10 null

the date the hold expires (calculated value)

patron_expiration_date DATE 10 null

the date the hold expires - usually the date entered by the patron to say they don’t need the hold after a certain date

lowestPriority BIT 0 0
suspend BIT 0 0
suspend_until DATETIME 19 null
itemtype VARCHAR 10 null
itemtypes.itemtype reserves_ibfk_5C

If record level hold, the optional itemtype of the item the patron is requesting

item_level_hold BIT 0 0

Is the hpld placed at item level

non_priority BIT 0 0

Is this a non priority hold


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc reserve_id
biblionumber Performance Asc biblionumber
borrowernumber Performance Asc borrowernumber
branchcode Performance Asc branchcode
desk_id Performance Asc desk_id
itemnumber Performance Asc itemnumber
itemtype Performance Asc itemtype
priorityfoundidx Performance Asc/Asc priority + found
