Table testsql_comments.old_issues
lists items that were checked out and have been returned

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
issue_id int 10
primary key for issues table
borrowernumber int 10  √  null
foreign key, linking this to the borrowers table for the patron this item was checked out to
itemnumber int 10  √  null
foreign key, linking this to the items table for the item that was checked out
date_due datetime 19  √  null date the item is due (yyyy-mm-dd)
branchcode varchar 10  √  null
foreign key, linking to the branches table for the location the item was checked out
returndate datetime 19  √  null date the item was returned
lastreneweddate datetime 19  √  null date the item was last renewed
return varchar 4  √  null
renewals tinyint 3  √  null lists the number of times the item was renewed
auto_renew bit 0  √  0 automatic renewal
timestamp timestamp 19 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP the date and time this record was last touched
issuedate datetime 19  √  null date the item was checked out or issued
onsite_checkout int 10 0 in house use flag

Table contained 0 rows at Tue Dec 27 16:10 NZDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
issue_id Primary key Asc
branchcode Performance Asc
borrowernumber + timestamp Performance Asc/Asc
borrowernumber Performance Asc
itemnumber Performance Asc

Close relationships  within of separation: